it will take a couple of days... some of the yellowing should start to slowly green out again, but any necrosis or browning is dead material. Depending on how much you feed the yellowing may never go long will it take to recover?
not very long, just start feeding it nitrogenhow long will it take to recover?
it will take a couple of days... some of the yellowing should start to slowly green out again, but any necrosis or browning is dead material. Depending on how much you feed the yellowing may never go away.
what you're looking for is a better over all health of the plant. she will look perky, you'll just know.
yep this is one case where you DO want to over do it, pack on that nitrogen heavy for sure. Assuming they are at a good PH level I would assume that it will repair itself quickly with some heavy nitrogen feedings.
they're looking OK, you'll get some nice bud from these. that full strength feed should last you a while now. hopefully you'll notice the difference very soon.
it's hard to tell from a pic. wait till it's time to water her again and then we'll decide what to do. it may be that you may need to feed her one more time. You can start feeding plain water once there are two weeks left till the finish so it may be wise to give another feed. she's been lacking all the way through, so it's best to wait and see first.
I'm not going anywhere. just post in this thread on the day you need to water and we'll see how you feel.