
:evil: everytime i plug in my 400 watt hps the power in my room turns off, not in the whole house, i figured it was cause i had too many things plugged in so i unplugged everything and thied plugging in the 400 watt hps again and it turns on for like a secound then all the power in my room turns off again

my plants need light asap what do i do!


Well-Known Member
:evil: everytime i plug in my 400 watt hps the power in my room turns off, not in the whole house, i figured it was cause i had too many things plugged in so i unplugged everything and thied plugging in the 400 watt hps again and it turns on for like a secound then all the power in my room turns off again

my plants need light asap what do i do!
Ok, are you trying to say that the breaker trips for your room every time you turn the 400 on?

Have you used the 400 before?

Is there any other large piece of equipment you have running near your room? (vacuum cleaner, a/c unit, big screen TV, etc?)


Well-Known Member
As the simplest possible solution try another outlet. that one could be faulty and tripping the breaker. Also, with what the guy above me said, you may have other large things on that breaker you don't know about (heater, hot water, stove, fridge, etc). Are the bulb and cords securely in place?


Well-Known Member
Try a different room? you could leave the setup where its at, just get a heavy duty extension cord and see if that dont help you out. do you have a surge protector by chance? that would let you plug it in w/o the whole breaker going down when your testing the outlets.


Well-Known Member
If the light doesnt work in another outlet and it is not tripping your breaker
then it may be your light burning out if it is a old light


Active Member
id start a fire as close to the plants as i can without burning them....jk jk idk i didnt wire your house id look at your fuse box and see whats goin on there first. prop need to make a separate switch for your grow room