First: I'll wager that your case is an exception, if indeed the numbers you are reporting are true.
Second: A family member of mine is employed by one of the "Big Five" news networks, I know firsthand, they love stories like this. Why? They can say practically anything they want and no one can refute it. There is essentially no data available, HIPPA laws guard against any actual medical details leaking out, and their estimates are nothing more than whatever they think sounds best. You can't argue with them, because the entire report is nothing but conjecture, and since there is no (or at the least very little) credible data out there, your argument will appear to be just as full of shit as theirs.
Third: If you're actually pushing datura to a bunch of high schoolers, at the least, that's highly irresponsible, and at the worst criminal. And I don't mean like selling drugs illegal. One of those kids ends up in the hospital or dead... I've got news, they are gonna crucify you, first in the media, and then in court. Trust me man, you won't have a prayer. You need to seriously consider your actions.