^ lol nuff said.don't call me dude, bro.
Haha thats greatcan some one help me out im looking for the toke n talk section and i think i came across toke n talk shit section instead lol jk
dont call him bro, homiedon't call me dude, bro.
The quote was that 41% of people have ADMITTED to smoking marijuana, theres a lot more i'm sure who were too chicken! My guess would be around 70%, i believe it..Havnt toked today yet... Am I still permitted to speak? The funny thing is i guarantee its more then 41%... Think about how many avid smokers wouldnt admit it on a national pole.. Then think about how many people only did it a couple of times and wont admit it.. I blaze everyday and i wouldnt admit that if i was in a non med state.. I honestly think that probably atleast 65% of our country has blazed before...
don't call me homie, guy.dont call him bro, homie
don't call me homie, guy.
don't call him guy, buddy