So I've taken the plunge into the wonderful world of growing, and I got me an aerogarden off craigslist for $30, and it came with two seed kits, cherry tomato and the salad greens. I got a gang of seeds, so Im gonna see what happens.
It's gonna be a while before I get some pics, so I'll do my best to describe things until then.
My setup:
I have the machine sitting on a crate, with a tub underneath the crate to collect accidental water. It's surround by a science fair-style board, wrapped in aluminum foil. I used the paper towel method to germinate 5 seeds three days ago, and 4 of them have started to root, so it's time to load up the machine.
Any and all suggetions, crticism, etc. is greatly appreciated. Poop out.
It's gonna be a while before I get some pics, so I'll do my best to describe things until then.
My setup:
I have the machine sitting on a crate, with a tub underneath the crate to collect accidental water. It's surround by a science fair-style board, wrapped in aluminum foil. I used the paper towel method to germinate 5 seeds three days ago, and 4 of them have started to root, so it's time to load up the machine.
Any and all suggetions, crticism, etc. is greatly appreciated. Poop out.