Is this mold?

I got these plants from a fellow grower who couldn't take care of them anymore. They came from an indoor grow but I've placed them in my outside "garden". Some of the leaves have a white substance on them and I'm not sure if it's mold. If so, what can be done to get rid of it? I'm in MN so it doesn't get too humid or hot. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like PMS ( Powdery Mold Syndrome)

If you rub the leaf lightly and it comes's PMS...if it doesn't it could just be water marks.

I would isolate them from your other plants in the " garden" for now though...probably just being outside now will get rid of it though. As most PMS problems are indoor...lack of circulation, too high humidity etc. Hardly ever see it on an out door grow.


Well-Known Member
Just isolate them from your other plants for now..

Like I posted before..just being outside now should get rid of it.

Keep an eye on them for a week ( cut off affected leaves first ) and if it appears again then there are many options to get rid of PMS.

But I'd hold off first before doing anything drastic...( Serenade and Safer are 2 spray options, baking soda mixed with water is another. Sulfur burner is another..and the list goes on.)
From personal experience with PMS and attempts to get rid of it...I'd wait to see mother nature can't fix it for you first...


Active Member
looks like white flys, but i dunno if white flys can be indoors, if they were outdoors id say white flys.
Thanks ogreballerina, i didn't catch the last part of your first post (i was on my phone), i'll keep an eye on it and see what happens. Thanks for the help.


I did the rub "test" and a little did come off. What can be done to get this under control (pruning, chemicals, etc)?

Hey bro.. the best shit to use for that is Dr. DoRight .. its an all natural spray.. gets rid of pests and that powdery mildew stuff.. Try it out man.. it works!