where can i buy fox farm soil


Well-Known Member
try to google for local hydro shops in your area, then call and ask how much. or try going to fox farms website and look for the distributors from there. i've been down the fox farm road and i would just run on down to wally world and pick up a bag of miricale grow potting soil mix and save yourself a few bucks and it's a lot easier to find. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
some headshops also cater to medical growers. i bought my soil, nutes, and lights down at my local store.


Well-Known Member
Not intended to be rude at all here but:

A. Miracle grow is terrible soil...it has nutrients built into the soil.....if you add a secondary product/s, you'll run into many problems......great to use your first time...but you'll find it sucks with both drainage and quality of bud that comes from it compared to other soils

B. Hydroponics Stores/Headshops (idk you could buy growing stuff at glass/smoking shops) by law aren't allowed to discuss cultivation of a federally banned substance....in my state (WA), theres even signs up addressing mmj card holders....so your headshop/garden store must be doing that at their own risk....dont be suprised if they're shut down in the future....

And C. ff is sold at all major hydroponic n nursery stores......imho opinion....its really expensive for what you get....i now use the house blend from my local shop (8$ compared to 13.50 for ff from them).....ff doesnt drain to my liking.....i do use their nute line w/ much success......but prepare to spend 12-15$/1.5 cubic foot bag.....ripoff!!!


Im a noob, but I roll with Fox Farm's Ocean Forest blend, and will continue to. Though I don't have much experience, from what everyone with experience tells me that as far as equipment, soil, nutes, the whole 9, you pay for what you get. Don't get Miracle Grow. Your sacrificing the quality of your smoke, and potentially the health of your plants for what, $10 bucks. Go balls out, get good seeds, good soil and nutes, and grow apparatus with good ventilation and a good light and you'll have excellent results. I have too many friends that attempted cheap grows and it completely turned ruined the idea of cultivation for them.


Check out my journal!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i hear it all the time about not using mg because it has nutrients already added, have you all read the bag of fox farms ocean forest? yup, nutes added. you will be fine with m.g. just don't start adding nutes as soon as the little girl pops her head. this is a blue mystic grown in m.g.



Well-Known Member
If you are on the east coast go with DCHYDRO. It's abour 21.00 a bag delivered. I can't drive and get it any cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Hydroponics Stores/Headshops (idk you could buy growing stuff at glass/smoking shops) by law aren't allowed to discuss cultivation of a federally banned substance....in my state (WA), theres even signs up addressing mmj card holders....so your headshop/garden store must be doing that at their own risk....dont be suprised if they're shut down in the future....
you can indeed buy growing stuff at 2 of the 3 headshops in my area. the owners are medical patients themselves, and your right, they are not supposed to mention its use. you dont need a card to buy them, they dont ask questions, and as long as you respect them and not say any of the 'no-no' words (bong, weed, pot, etc) then they will sell to you just fine. i actually go in quite frequently and talk to them about my grow, but this is only because they know my face and have done lots of shopping there. a custy walks in while we are speaking and they will stop mid convo and not pick it back up til we're alone again.

as for getting shut-down, ya it wouldn't surprise me. they went through it once when the area was going through a 'paraphernalia cleanse' and filing suits against all the headshops. they won, got their store re-opened and here we are.

the price kinds sucks (15$ for a 1.5cf bag), but its only a block from the house, so that helps a lot.


Well-Known Member
I got a 12 qt bag (3 gallons) perfect for 1 container on amazon for 22$ shipped.. that will do 1 plant pretty good.

here is what 3 gallons of fox farm soil can do for ya.

I also didnt add any perlite or anything to it.. this is 100% fox farms ocean forest soil
