humidity spike after watering


I know the reasons are obvious, but after I water I'm sitting at 90+ humidity for quite a while directly at the canopy level..

The thing that baffles me is that I have an ac / dehumidifier running into one of the intakes...and the humidity on the ground level is 63, but about 7 inches above soil level its freakin 94 percent.

Is this typical, should I be worried? (considering that I've already seen signs of PM on two of my plants)


Well-Known Member
LOL... we've all had those moments when we start out.. Now you know to check into things a little more before you post.. or we're all gonna laugh at you...

Pretty good first post.. let me start you off with some rep+ for the chuckle!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha Welcome To Riu .... Not the most funny post ever no :) ... But it gave me a good giggle :)

Ok so While this topic is no longer an issue ... Maybe some of us noobs can learn something here ... I have a question ...Maybe even a dumb funny one :P

Ok ...Im allmost sure my Humidity reading on my monitor is going backwards .... The more humid the room is ( Feels more humid to me ) The LOWER the meter reads ... Is that right ?.... I mean .... Would it not make more sence for it to be higher and go up rather than down ?...I dunno's bizzar :)

Anyways .... Can somone give an indication on of diffrent Humidity leavels thruout the grow Cycle ?... Clones and seed need More ... and Flowering plants need less ... this i know .... But what kind of readings should we be aiming for at diffrent stages ?

Cloaning / Seeding stage = ?

Young Veg Stage ( 2-4 weeks in ) = ?

Mature Veg Stage ( 4- 8 weeks In ) = ?

Early Flower Cycle = ?

Late Flower Cycle = ?

Thanks to anyone who takes part :)


Active Member
Ok ...Im allmost sure my Humidity reading on my monitor is going backwards .... The more humid the room is ( Feels more humid to me ) The LOWER the meter reads ... Is that right ?.... I mean .... Would it not make more sence for it to be higher and go up rather than down ?...I dunno's bizzar :)
Remember RH stands for Relative Humidity. The hotter the air is, the more water it can contain. So if it's really hot in there it may still read a low humidty. I've walked into my greenhouse which i have a Thermo/Hygro in and it's hit me like a wall of steaming water, very sticky and wet but also very hot (33ºC the other day) but the RH read a suprisingly low figure. The Hygro even told me it was "Dry", like fuck was it dry lol

Anyways .... Can somone give an indication on of diffrent Humidity leavels thruout the grow Cycle ?... Clones and seed need More ... and Flowering plants need less ... this i know .... But what kind of readings should we be aiming for at diffrent stages ?

Cloaning / Seeding stage = ?

Young Veg Stage ( 2-4 weeks in ) = ?

Mature Veg Stage ( 4- 8 weeks In ) = ?

Early Flower Cycle = ?

Late Flower Cycle = ?

Thanks to anyone who takes part :)
Clone/ Seedlings - First week 100-95%
After a week lower to 80%
Veg i'm not sure
FLowering i believe should be low - 30-40%

Hopefully someone else will add and give you more concrete answers, probably completely dispelling my figures and thoughts but i am new, i'm just passing on the shit i read.


Well-Known Member
Remember RH stands for Relative Humidity. The hotter the air is, the more water it can contain. So if it's really hot in there it may still read a low humidty. I've walked into my greenhouse which i have a Thermo/Hygro in and it's hit me like a wall of steaming water, very sticky and wet but also very hot (33ºC the other day) but the RH read a suprisingly low figure. The Hygro even told me it was "Dry", like fuck was it dry lol

Clone/ Seedlings - First week 100-95%
After a week lower to 80%
Veg i'm not sure
FLowering i believe should be low - 30-40%

Hopefully someone else will add and give you more concrete answers, probably completely dispelling my figures and thoughts but i am new, i'm just passing on the shit i read.

Hey guys you are almost there Justin

Just the Veg left which ideally should be 50-60%

But i personally cannot get my humidity that high during veg and its constantly around 45% whether im in flower or veg

Flowering the lower the humidity the better as long as it doesnt get too high.

High 30's for RH is good for flowering as it keeps mould issues away.



Well-Known Member
you say your RH is around 45% during flower, mine gets to like 45-55%. Is that too high? I'm really not trying to buy a dehumidifier :-?. I have a fan in my grow space, would that help cut down on mold?


Well-Known Member
that depends is that during dark or light cycles?

Is it 45 day and 55 night?

Do you keep a fan on constantly oscilating?

Do you keep your air exchanges going during the dark cycle to?



Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure about the dark cycle. I have an auto so i'm on the 20/4 schedule. The fan can be oscilating, but i have it on stationary. Which is better? The fan is on during the night too.


Well-Known Member
Oscilating through your grow space. NEVER STATIONARY.

Does your hydro/thermometer gauge have a min and max button?

If it does reset it and test it for the next 24hours to record max and min levels.

this will show you your highest and lowest RH and Temps



Well-Known Member
Never stationary, ok gotcha. I'll look into a new gauge. It really only goes up to 55% right after I water though. Will 45% give me mold?


Well-Known Member
As long as you keep the air moving throughout the whole space that range of humidity shouldn't be a big problem to deal with. Keep a watchful eye out if you have plants that grow rock hard buds...they're at the most risk. If the small bud leaves start going yellow/brown and falling out with mushy stems, you'll know you've got a problem.