Need help fast


Hi guys got a problem ive got 3 swiss cheese and another plant in 7 weeks of flowering the swiss cheese are fine but this other plant is really bad looking 2 days ago it started to dry up although it was watered properly and the nutes are all fine so i checked it the next day and most of the leaves on the top of 1 cola started to wilt and die of really quickly and its now spread onto the rest of the plants own colas not on the cheese,i aint done anything out the normal with this plant no added nutes no change of light time or watering time and all ph lvls are fine anyone got any idea why the dramatic change,as i aint done anything that i aint done from the start of this plants growth HELP please dont wanna loose it now !!!!



New Member
Hi guys got a problem ive got 3 swiss cheese and another plant in 7 weeks of flowering the swiss cheese are fine but this other plant is really bad looking 2 days ago it started to dry up although it was watered properly and the nutes are all fine so i checked it the next day and most of the leaves on the top of 1 cola started to wilt and die of really quickly and its now spread onto the rest of the plants own colas not on the cheese,i aint done anything out the normal with this plant no added nutes no change of light time or watering time and all ph lvls are fine anyone got any idea why the dramatic change,as i aint done anything that i aint done from the start of this plants growth HELP please dont wanna loose it now !!!!
looks like she needs a drink real bad.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...odds are you've overfertilized them...they look burnt to crisp. Try turning your lights off, then take some more pics for us.

trichlone fiend

New Member
I've never used "aqua flores A,B" ...but, looking at your plants (burt tips, clawed under) ...those are sure signs of overfertilizing. Your roots get a salt built up on them and locks everything out...even water. I'd flush the hell out of them, and hope for the best. You should probably invest en an ec/tds meter to give you an accurate reading of how strong your solution is. Good luck.


ye il give em a good flush for a few days see what happens bu its strange that the 3 cheese plants are ok and its only this 1 thats got summit wrong i dont know what species the plant is i know its fem but thats it,it actually kinda smells like a grapefruit smell from it but well il try it thanks for the replies guys.