First Grow 2010


Active Member
Picked up some og, came with a few seeds, decided to germinate the seeds, had this plant in a pot for about a month now, ill have pictures up soon, but the question i have is, its starting to smell very good but its only a month old? Is that a good sign?
Also, depending on the size of the plant, is their a way i can auto force it to flower soon, Im in the northeast


Well-Known Member
you can force flower it if you want, plants may double or even tripple size during flowering soooo. It smelling good is a good thing and might be a autoflower strain but idk. but yea you can flower it whenever you want pretty much. good luck bro.


Active Member
you can force flower it if you want, plants may double or even tripple size during flowering soooo. It smelling good is a good thing and might be a autoflower strain but idk. but yea you can flower it whenever you want pretty much. good luck bro.
When you mean an autoflower, can you explain just a little


Well-Known Member
some plants flower on their own with no assistance from you. but you can still force it even if it is a autoflower. autoflowers just flower when their done veggin instead of you deciding when to do it. think of it as a baby changin their own ass when ready instead of you havin to smell it first. hahaha


Active Member

Well i finally got some pics up, this girl is about a month and a half old. I tried to see if i could get a close up to dertermine if its female or male. But all i got in a 5mp camera phone =(. Anyways It smells great, could anybody tell me how im doing or how long until i see some action


Well-Known Member
you should just wait a few more weeks for it to flower naturally, you will have a way easier time with it and less chance for mold and what-not. not to mention a better yield..