Please Help... Rust stops that wont stop...

I have a couple of clones that came off a mother unknown strain my friend gave me the seed.. since this plant was small i had problems with rust spots.. took some clones off it and they have the same... can it be a boron def..? maybe zinc or is it some sort of rust disease..? this is my set up...
Soil 1/2 light warrior 1/2 ocean forest foxfarm
4x8 room
600watt hps
plenty of fans
78 to 83 degrees
i feed them cash crop nutes
inoculants for roots that include b-1 vitamin, vitamin c,fungi,bacteria,humates....
p.h at 6.6

in the past month i watered them acciidently with out adjusting the p.h.. what can i say i have a stoner regardless i had the problem since before.. can any one help me..? also some new growth on leaves gets rusted on one leaf finger and then fall off in half were it rusted from so its like the leafs are getting cut in half... : (



Well-Known Member
I was going to say calcium, too. Could also be PH spotting, but looks more like calcium. It's possible that calcium is locked out, if the PH being low. The leaves look awfully dark colored too, which is a sign of overfert. You could have nutelock from overfeeding, also.

It'd be a good idea to flush, let them dry for a couple days, then feed them with 1/2 strength, next time they need watered. That'll give the medium a fresh start, plus, fix any PH problems.
I was going to say calcium, too. Could also be PH spotting, but looks more like calcium. It's possible that calcium is locked out, if the PH being low. The leaves look awfully dark colored too, which is a sign of overfert. You could have nutelock from overfeeding, also.

It'd be a good idea to flush, let them dry for a couple days, then feed them with 1/2 strength, next time they need watered. That'll give the medium a fresh start, plus, fix any PH problems.
Ok... i know i did have a p.h problem before so maybe the calcium is being locked out... am going to try what you said and see if the problem gets any better ill come back and post the results.. THANKS


Well-Known Member
^One more thing....check the runoff as your flushing. Check it when it first starts coming out, then check it periodically. When it starts coming out the same PH as your pouring in, you'll know your PH is okay.
ok.. got it am just about to flush it right now. am going to adjust the p.h to 6.6.. on the water then test the run off.. I have a bottle of CAMAg from g.h should i add it after i flush the plant or til the nexxt watering when the plant drys off...? Thanxz for the help jawbrodt


Well-Known Member
^It would be okay to add it after the flushing. I use 3 gallon pots, and they take 2 liters when I water or feed them, so use that as reference, to make sure you hit them with the CalMag, thoroughly. For example, if I were done flushing, I'd give them a full 2 liters of CalMag mixture, afterwards. Then let the pots drain, and put them back under the lights.

P.S. I'm not assuming you don't know any of that stuff, or that your clueless. I just like to be thorough, so that if I leave, you wouldn't be hanging here waiting for an answer. I try to explain it all in one shot, so we don't run into that situation. :)
Hi everyone am back.. Am still having the same problem this time the older fan leaves that have the spotting are turning yellow the dry out completely and fall off. can this be a mag def...?? any help plz... thanx