Over watering? Or hot soil?


Well-Known Member
It's my first grow,.You guys are the experts, so here's what's up.

The plant on the right is Sour Cream and the one on the left is Skunk #1, both feminized.

The S#1 plant started doing this last week, and the leaves on the SC were just warping into a weird shape. I transplanted them from some bottom-of-the-barrel soil called EarthGro into Scott's about 3 days ago and now their leaves are turning yellow and dying. So my question is...

Is Scott's too hot for seedlings, am I overwatering or am I completely wrong about the situation?

As you can see, they're still tiny (19 days old) and I don't know if I can save them or how.

I've been growing under CFL and my wattage may be a little high. I'm using 6 23w bulbs in a section of a closet. Could this be heat or ventilation-related as well?


Yah they look nuked...if you can get them out of there and into something nutrient-free. Gently rinse the root ball off and try another mix.
Next time I would recommend Black Gold seedling mix or the Sunshine Organic brand. These are both sphagnum-based with perlite and dolomite lime, they wont burn the seedlings and they really don't need to be fed anything for a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
I second this guy.

Yah they look nuked...if you can get them out of there and into something nutrient-free. Gently rinse the root ball off and try another mix.
Next time I would recommend Black Gold seedling mix or the Sunshine Organic brand. These are both sphagnum-based with perlite and dolomite lime, they wont burn the seedlings and they really don't need to be fed anything for a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
Get some peat pellets for seedlings dude

Germinate in wet folded up tissue and keep them warm not hot

Then put the sprouts in the peat pellets, fast as fuck, then when the roots fill out the pellet pop in soil and they wont be so shocked by nutrients.

Looks like pH inbalance, what are you feeding them? Plain water? Tap water? Thats what my seedlings looked like when i had to emergency water them with tap water that hadnt been de-chemicalized

Yellowing isnt caused by too much light or bad ventilation its normally pH lockup, nitrogen deficiency or nute burn however your most likely to get the nitro def if u were using a nuteless medium


Well-Known Member
There are a couple of realy good soil's out there but i always stick with bio bizz,You realy want a soil that has very little nutrients in for such young seedling's too much can burn the foilage this looks like what has happened on the one on the right of the picture.The plant's can still recover from this just flush them through with just water ph'ed at around 6.0/6,5 put at least 1 ltr of water through till it run's clear this may sound like too much water but has long has you give the plant's[seedlings] plenty of water then allow them to dry out everything will be fine when i say dry i mean i like to let the medium dry realy out this will force the root sytem to grow far faster and with alot more health.In my opinoin this is where most new growers go wrong you must water then let them dry out then repeat the process one water a week just top it up with a little if the top soil become's al ittle dry.Also have a fan blowing up at the light that you are useing to get the heat away from the plants.Most seedling will flurish witha warm soil this promotes good white roots but again too warm can be bad and can cause mould,cover the top of the pots with some kind of card try and not to have it black or white or silver these will increase the heat just plain card board.....................................tyke..................................................................

newb weed grower

Active Member
they are giving u the best advice
what u have them in is gonna kill then if u dont hurry itll start like this then u will have a drropy leaves then itll die all together


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips, guys. I just found a really good garden shop in town, so I'll be checking them out. I intend to keep these two alive as long as I can, but I have another seed germing right now that I hope does well.