Clones and Adult plant problems


Active Member
The first five pictures are from clones rooted about 20 days ago. The ph lvl is 6.5 they are under t12 and cfl's. The yellow might be from nitrogen def, but the bright green spots i dont know what it is. Also in the third picture you can see how the leaves are all shrinking and curling upwards/inwards. I know it is not mites. Like 2 weeks ago i killed a gnats infestation, but i dont know if it still in the soil and it is what is killing my plants. I water them with neems oil once a week, so i dont think it is that either.
The last picture is of the adult plant. It is about two to three weeks from harvest. If you look at the left side, you would see that the bud does not cover the whole branch and there is space in between, free of bud. I'm wondering how can i get the plant to bud more and cover that space. Thanks!:weed:



New Member
I KNOW WHAT IT IS ! your plants have outgrown your pot you must ASAP transplant them ASAP into bigger pots or else death ! do not water them until you have your new pots ready ! please get 5 to 7 gallon pots i over did it with 10 gallon pots. Please make sure to use the same medium " soil " that you are useing now ! DUDE you need to transplate NOW ! get off the internet go down get you some bigger pots an soil !!!! RUN !!!!!


Well-Known Member
I KNOW WHAT IT IS ! your plants have outgrown your pot you must ASAP transplant them ASAP into bigger pots or else death ! do not water them until you have your new pots ready ! please get 5 to 7 gallon pots i over did it with 10 gallon pots. Please make sure to use the same medium " soil " that you are useing now ! DUDE you need to transplate NOW ! get off the internet go down get you some bigger pots an soil !!!! RUN !!!!!

No that would not cause this problem, Contrary to what people say, you have to feed clones while they are completing the rooting process. If I was you I would read up on cloning because all those plants look like they need some nitrogen


Well-Known Member
First off switch to a more even blend. secondly probably need more light for bigger buds bro. floros barely cute it for flowering your buds look pretty damn full for using t12s


I would stop the neem oil NOW that is some serious burn and if its not from nutrients it has to be that. I would also loose the t12s for flower and get a 400 watt hps or a at least get some t8s they are brighter and run cooler so you can put them closer to your girls. Also get some real nutrients AN, FF, GH or BC something!


Well-Known Member
Notice the leaves on the clones, this is due to somewhat extreme stress levels. It is going to be hard to diagnose but I do believe that the problem existed at the time of cloning due to the single lamina leaves your plants have at their first set.

This 5-0-3 mix is entirely leaving out the P, no wonder they are under stress, they are inherently not getting one of three macro nutrients necessary for plant life.