Glenn Beck Tells Audience He Might Be Going Blind......

Big P

Well-Known Member
Glenn Beck Tells Audience He Might Be Going Blind

During a tearful and passionate speech at his "American Revival" meeting in Salt Lake City on Saturday, Fox News host Glenn Beck revealed that he may be going blind.

During his speech (video below), Beck told the audience, "I can't focus my eyes."

Taking a shot at health care reform, Beck said, "I went to the best doctor I could find, while I could still go to the best doctor I can find."

Beck, 46, says he has been diagnosed with macular dystrophy, and joked that the doctor told him, "You could go blind in the next year . . . or you might not."

it starts at 6:10 min


crying starts at 9 min


Well-Known Member
oh well.

he can still yap his big mouth.. I'd rather the man lose his tounge.. or voice.

but even then, he could still write things down.. so lets go with blind too.

He needs to be blind; deaf; and unable to speak.

That should shut him up. :)

yeah, I dislike the man.. incase you can't figure that out. ;)



New Member
oh well.

he can still yap his big mouth.. I'd rather the man lose his tounge.. or voice.

but even then, he could still write things down.. so lets go with blind too.

He needs to be blind; deaf; and unable to speak.

That should shut him up. :)

yeah, I dislike the man.. incase you can't figure that out. ;)

i agree with him. helen keller meet glen beck


Well-Known Member
oh well.

he can still yap his big mouth.. I'd rather the man lose his tounge.. or voice.

but even then, he could still write things down.. so lets go with blind too.

He needs to be blind; deaf; and unable to speak.

That should shut him up. :)

yeah, I dislike the man.. incase you can't figure that out. ;)

I dont wish that on anyone. You are a petty little man.


Well-Known Member
oh well.

he can still yap his big mouth.. I'd rather the man lose his tounge.. or voice.

but even then, he could still write things down.. so lets go with blind too.

He needs to be blind; deaf; and unable to speak.

That should shut him up. :)

yeah, I dislike the man.. incase you can't figure that out. ;)

Couldn't agree with you more, except to say he should take Limbaugh with him........

Big P

Well-Known Member
glen beck had an FBI incident also a few months ago, but he wont say more about it, but there are many people who want him dead, and im not talkin about normal people like you or me who may just dislike his politics

me i like him, but there are poeple out there that would love to shut him up, as he is exposing a lot of scum


Well-Known Member
Glen Beck is a clown. simple.

he might even think he is a prophet himself.

dont know what to tell u guys, crazy people think crazy shit. (just hope the people that actually believe him dont do stupid shit)

Big P

Well-Known Member
he has a red phone on his show with a direct line to the whithouse. if he has said anything untrue he offers the white house to give him a call live on the show and let him know what he said that is untrue. they havnt called about anythign yet.


Global Moderator
Staff member
he has a red phone on his show with a direct line to the whithouse. if he has said anything untrue he offers the white house to give him a call live on the show and let him know what he said that is untrue. they havnt called about anythign yet.
The haters can't explain that one.
To me its simple, he has the facts straight & hasn't been disproven yet.
And I still don't hear the "Red" phone ringing.

Big P

Well-Known Member
oooo i love mp3 books, i might get one. you read any other of beck's best sellers?

just finished an mp3 book called "Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821)" was very insiteful for your modern day opium addict like me:D


Well-Known Member

<H2 cufid="2" _counted="undefined">another good read, not written by glen beck but sounds like most of his stories.

Chicken Little was in the woods.
An acorn fell on his tail.Chicken Little said,
"The sky is falling. I will run."
Chicken Little met Henny Penny.
He said, "The sky is falling, Henny Penny."
Henny Penny said, "How do you know, Chicken Little?"
"I saw it with my eyes. I heard it with my ears. Some of it fell on my tail."
"We will run," said Henny Penny." "We will run and tell the king."


Big P

Well-Known Member
if glen beck wasnt outing corruption and deception in the obama admin i would image he wouldnt have so many frothing haters

he must be doin somthin right


Well-Known Member
The guy reads a teleprompter that is filled with the writers words, just like the president he mocks for doing the same thing. He's a friggin actor people, not an intellectual news journalist. Quit being daft and treating everything these morons tell you as the gospel.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ya because one of, if not the most, influential leaders in the world has time to call glen becks red phone and tell him he's full of shit. Im glad he's blind. Maybe its terminal. Fingers crossed.

He's an acting sociopath. I pity those who watch.


Well-Known Member
Ya because one of, if not the most, influential leaders in the world has time to call glen becks red phone and tell him he's full of shit. Im glad he's blind. Maybe its terminal. Fingers crossed.

He's an acting sociopath. I pity those who watch.
Agreed. You think they're going to waste their time playing into his little act?

Big P

Well-Known Member
they would spend hours days even months if they knew they could counter him, the nay sayers are just not paying attention Obama has been spending great time and effort to shut down fox news and beck. a phone call correcting aleged mistatments would be easy comparitivly.

he sicked on free news media and america people Ms. Anita Dunn communist lover Dunn as WHITHOUSE COMMUNICATION DIRECTOR!!! IE controller of the media and his message


beck got her fired. I wonder how? cuz he exposed her for what she is!!! obama is jumping through hoops to try to discredit beck but yet has not countered one thing beck has said!!! why you ask??? cuz beckk aint lieing friends. BUT GUESS WHO IS LIEING

OBAMA as usual

he he is trying to shut down fox news. so dont tell me the great one doesnt have time to shut down beck and the truth. because thats pretty much whats he spends almost all of his time on lol. you guys need to pay attendtion most of the main stream media is not even reporting big stories because they may show our socialist president in a bad light. you guys need to wake up

here it is. they got everybody and thier momma trying to counter beck and fox news yet your telling me obama the great is to busy to care? the fact is he does care he cares a lot. and he has yet to ring the phone on becks show or even counter anything he has said, besides the fact that beck called him a racist. which appearntly from viewing his actions you can conclude.

updated 10/19/2009 9:21:19 AM ET
WASHINGTON — White House advisers have stepped up their attacks on Fox News, claiming the cable television network is a Republican mouthpiece whose programming "is geared toward making money."

Several critics questioned the wisdom of the move while one of President Barack Obama's top adviser pledged Sunday that administration officials would still appear on the top-rated cable news network.

Last week, White House communications director Anita Dunn said Fox News operates "almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party."

On Sunday, Rahm Emanuel, President Barack Obama's chief of staff, said, "It is not a news organization so much as it has a perspective."

In response to the criticism, Fox News executive Michael Clemente on Sunday accused the White House of continuing to "declare war on a news organization" rather than focusing on issues such as jobs and health care.

"The door remains open and we welcome a discussion about the facts behind the issues," said Clemente, senior vice president of news, in a written statement.

Tough looks at the administration

Fox News commentators Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity have been strong Obama critics, and Bill O'Reilly has taken tough looks at the administration. Obama avoided "Fox News Sunday" when he visited five Sunday morning news shows last month; three aides carried the administration's message on Afghanistan, health care and the economy this Sunday to ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC, but not Fox; and a recent White House blog post accused Beck of lying. Beck has called Obama a racist.