Midwest Medical Grow - Soil & Indoor


New Member
I switched to Next Gen ballasts...and my lumatek 600 looks comparable to the Next Gen running a 400 watt(Top shelf bulb)....
nice..Ill have to check those out.

I just did FIM on the wembley...Wembley(AK47xBubblegum) and NL#5 is going to be our mothers for a little while - After that I will be looking to get a strong healthy strain indicia dominant for my next mothers.


New Member
is that rocklok autoflower?
no its DNA rocklock

Warlock x Rockstar

It has been veged for nearly 6 weeks from seed under 1000W MH 16/8 - it has alternating nodes and its about a foot tall. I moved it to the 'orange' room lol


New Member
so I was going to buy a magnifying glass until I literally found one on the street like fate....its not that great and I will need a new one I suppose but it should do lol


New Member
[DAY 79 & DAY 24 OF BLOOM]

So Yeah...Checkout this uneven canopy due to MIZ LEMON SKUNK! - I am going to get some crates to stack the others up to her nearly 7ft height very soon!
Ok the Main Focus of this Update is on the necrosis of one of our sweet tooth plants, I dont beleive it has spread in many weeks but here you can see these middle aged fan leaves dieing off...

IMAGE_633.jpg This is the sweet tooth that is top heavy, see the little yellow rope I have it tired to the pot, I think I am going to need to do this with the other sweet tooth soon, this one is a more sativa pheno and I think it is going to take a lot longer to finish then the others, This one also suffers from yellowing and dieing off of some lower fan leaves as you can see.

IMAGE_646.jpg Here we can see just underneath the canopy of the vanilla kush, this plant is going to have one huge cola!
IMAGE_637.jpg A look at the sweet tooth that had the problem with necrosis.
IMAGE_647.jpgThere is lots of lower branches like this on the sweet tooth, I took most of them for clones for a friend but lets see what they can do eh? budside is not to shabby on em lol.

IMAGE_631.jpgHere we can see the babies in the veg room. Back left is White Russian - Back Right is Wembley (I just did FIM on her she will be a mother for many clones), front right is the clone from our compassion club that rooted about a week or so ago, front left NL#5 (will also be kept as a mother for a bit).
IMAGE_649.jpg lol one of the last victims on the necrosis on the sweet tooth.
IMAGE_651.jpg So yeah my canopy is not even I have a giant 7foot lemon skunk messing it up as you can see, I am picking up milk crates very soon to prop all the little ones up.
IMAGE_640.jpg Vanilla Kush! This appears it will be the first plant we will harvest!
IMAGE_642.jpg Lemon Skunk.

IMAGE_635.jpg Another shot at the necrosis.
IMAGE_636.jpg Some Sweet tooth budshots
IMAGE_650.jpg Vanilla KUSH
IMAGE_643.jpg Lemon Skunk LOL HUGE!
IMAGE_632.jpg Here is the Rocklock just put into flower room.
IMAGE_645.jpg A shot down the bottom center of the plants
IMAGE_639.jpg Vanilla kush main cola shot - keeep the theme! :P
IMAGE_648.jpgAnother shot of the Sweet tooth with the dieing middle leaves problem

IMAGE_638.jpg Another shot of the Sweet tooth with the dieing middle leaves problem
IMAGE_641.jpg A shot of a lemon skunk bud
IMAGE_644.jpg Sideshot - LtoR - Sweet tooth, VK, Lemon Skunk


New Member
I know your thinking to yourself
Where is the bud?



New Member
got a new 1000W HPS DIGITAL LUMATEK w/ the new LUMATEK BULB - AIR COOLED HOODS with glass & some crates to stack those girls up evenly. hookin it up soon....



New Member
Very full day today spent 4 hours hooking everything up.....and 4 hours shopping..

New light - Lumatek 1000W SUPER LUMENS - with the new Lumatek HPS bulb.

Hooked up air cooled for this light, we ordered another aircooled hood for the 600, they both have glass covers.

Fed GROWBIG+BIGBLOOM to most plants or plain superthrived water.

Another sweet tooth fell over! I steaked up both the sweet tooth plants that fel over and used twist ties.

Hooked up a new fan about 500CFM blowing at canopy level in the flowering room, so now we have the 500CFM blowing at mid-canopy and the box fan blowing at the upper. (Moved the box fan up).

Added crates to make a more even canopy, plants have much more breathing room now and many plants get A LOT of light on all foilage.

We switched the water from Distilled to RO to save money - hopefully they wont have issues.