Alternate Methods of Sexing?


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all, I have heard of the method of covering and removing a paper bag everyday to sex a branch on outdoor plants. I was wondering if there were any other ways to do this so I wouldn't have to go out every single day. I'm afraid that kind of traffic might bring to much unwanted attention. I was thinking of possibly covering some branches with some pool screen, that way it has pretty filtered sunlight 24/7 for a couple weeks. Would this method work, or would I have to go in every day. Thanks.


Undercover Mod
lol sorry i'm fuckin rippppppppped right now. The only good method is to use 12/12

It would most likely not work because the plant would still be getting the same time length of light, just weaker. it needs to be reduced by length, not intensity.


Well-Known Member
yep, you can wait and hope it preflowers, or force a flower by switching to a flowering light schedule. It's not the light time, it's the dark time, and it needs to be completely dark. Other than a bag you could clone it and flower the clone.


Active Member
OR if you are able , take a cutting from the plant in question. As you are rooting it put it under 12/12. In a couple of weeks the cutting will show sex. You will have your answer then. That is assuming you have the ability to grow indoors. Anyways hope this helped you.

Peace and positive energy



Undercover Mod
OR if you are able , take a cutting from the plant in question. As you are rooting it put it under 12/12. In a couple of weeks the cutting will show sex. You will have your answer then. That is assuming you have the ability to grow indoors. Anyways hope this helped you.

Peace and positive energy

It would be showing sex by the time u got done with that.