Can you get high from keeping smoke in mouth?


Well-Known Member
Hey i need a quick answer, can you get high from keeping the smoke in your mouth like a cigar?


Well-Known Member
Yes. I used to do it all the time. I don't like to inhale smoke. Now I use a vaporizer.

Takes about 2-3 times as much weed, and it works best if you blow it out very slowly or out through the nose.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Yes. I used to do it all the time. I don't like to inhale smoke. Now I use a vaporizer.

Takes about 2-3 times as much weed, and it works best if you blow it out very slowly or out through the nose.
Um. No. There isn't any way for your nose or mouth to extract the thc from the smoke like your lungs. Dude it really isn't possible. If you can show me otherwise with science I'll believe you... Until then your full of shit. Stop lying to the dude. Give helpful answers. Like he'd want to smoke 3 times the weed. I don't even know why anyone would do that other then for smoke tricks. Wow.


Well-Known Member
Hey i need a quick answer, can you get high from keeping the smoke in your mouth like a cigar?
Wow are you for real,Why ask a question like that here where every one loves to smoke weed,thats like a cop's question why would you not want to inhale unless your just real paranoid.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Just because you think your keeping it in your mouth doesn't mean you are. When you inhale the oke into your mouth you DO inhale some into your lungs. It would take alot more to get high, but who the fuck does that?


Well-Known Member
I think he means trying to absorb the TCH in his mouth and not in his lungs...damn fool. Just inhale, it's not going to mess you up. Although I do primarily smoke out of a vape that fits into my bong. I don't think I'll ever choose smoke over vape


Well-Known Member
Trans-dermal; holding the Vap/Smoke in your mouth (whatever you don't fully inhale) has the potential to be absorbed through your saliva via a trans-dermal effect.

It's effects are very mild as whatever absorption takes place; your not going to hold it in your mouth long enough.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
This can be done. Just like how you smoke a cigar and get the nicotine with your throat other then using your lungs. But with weed it's not recommended because you need to use alot more weed and hold the weed smoke in your mouth/throat for around 30 seconds so it can be absorbed. But if your that worried about smoke irritating your lungs and can't afford a vape it's a good alternative.


Well-Known Member
I get so fucking pissed off when dumb ass friends inhale smoke into their mouth, waste my weed, and try and be cool with smoke tricks... INHALE IT OR FUCK YOU. NEW RULES.


Well-Known Member
Well i was thinking if you can smoke a cigar and get the nicotine, ten why fuck up ur lungs when you could use your mouth? Damn the peeps at the crystal meth site are even nicer than some of u dudes


Well-Known Member
I would think a good way to find out is to maybe take a hit and try it yourself? Sounds kinda easy to me.


New Member
Um. No. There isn't any way for your nose or mouth to extract the thc from the smoke like your lungs. Dude it really isn't possible. If you can show me otherwise with science I'll believe you... Until then your full of shit. Stop lying to the dude. Give helpful answers. Like he'd want to smoke 3 times the weed. I don't even know why anyone would do that other then for smoke tricks. Wow.
If thc can't be absorbed through your mouth, why does it work under your tongue with thc tinctures? It works, it just takes more smoke. (which to me is a waste tho)