Northern lights- 31 days in flower


Well-Known Member
Ok,, here are todays photos. The red hairs do not show up very well though. Pretty sure I will be cutting them down in a week or so. I have had them at about 450 PPM for like 5 days now. Tomorrow night i am dropping them to PH'd water with clearex.

Peace everyone.. even you Munch Box.

those red hairs are from fert burn see how your leaves are curling down your plants are slowing down because you have a lock up ease up on the ppm and good things await you:peace:

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA.. Sorry Bubblerking about laughing at your post. But you really should read the whole thread first. Sorry dude, you are incorrect.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I have not really started flushing them yet. But I have lowered the PPM in the rez to only 500 PPM for the last 4 days. I think tonight I will drop it to ZERO PPM.
I was going to look in on them tonight and see what they look like. They wake up in an hour, if I do not feel they are ready to start flushing tonight, I am going to boost up the PPM to about 900 PPM with Sensi A&B, B-52, and Carboload and go another 5-7 days before I start flushing. I do not start flushing just because a certain date has arrived.

So yes, you are most likely correct, they are not ready to flush at this point. But they are changing fast now. I need to watch them everyday.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
OK!!!!!!! The tribe has spoken!!!!!!

I am not even going to check what the trichs look like, I am just going to raise the PPM to about 900, and let them go at about another week. Hope that is not to long, these buds change on a daily bases. They are all cloudy now, I was thinking they might start turning amber by tonight. Hell who knows, I have seen it where I thought my plants were ready to start flushing the next day, and BANGO!!! Hot DAM!!!! a ton more trichs POP out that are all clear...

Also, if you guys noticed in one of my post, I was going to harvest them one at a time. So it would take 7 days to even harvest them. The buds I showed last are of the least matured plant. which would flush for almost 14 days before it got the AXE anyway. I have 7 plants, all of them at different stages of maturity.

Thanks for the input guys, you pushed me to the side I was also thinking already. I just needed a little nudge. It was either start flushing them tonight, or up the PPM back to a higher level.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
those red hairs are from fert burn see how your leaves are curling down your plants are slowing down because you have a lock up ease up on the ppm and good things await you:peace:

Bubblerking, if you read the very first post of this thread, you will see a link to what I had done wrong almost 6 weeks ago that caused the leafs to curl. Once that had happened they are not going to uncurl. Read the first post of you want to understand what these plants have been through.

EDIT:::: Bubblerking, if you go to page one of this thread, post #6 it goes into what I had done wrong to this grow during the first week of flowering and did not correct it intil I entered week two. It was from experimenting with a totally new line of products,,, at least for me.

So yes,, you also are correct,, but the nut burn was from 6 weeks ago. MY PPMs have not been above 900 since then.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Yep, you both were so right... When i checked in on them tonight, the crystals were forming a lot heavier then yesterday. I will show pictures as soon as I mix them some new soup.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
ok. here are the new photos from today. there has been a huge change in the buds in the last 24 hours. I have added nuts to the soup raising the PPM to 970, with Sensi bloom A&B, B-52, Overdrive, and carboload. As I said in an earlier post on about page 3 or 4 I was thinking these should be ready about 1/12/08. and I guess I need to go back to that estimate, because these ladies are coming on strong.

This Journal was started to show how much crap you can put a plant through and hopefully bring them back to produce some nice buds. If you guys want to get an idea about this, please read the first page of post.

I have a plant that is in a Hydro system all by itself, I have not taken any pictures of this plant, because I was consuntrating my thread on the 6 plants that were screwed up in the first week.
The fourth picture shows the plant that is isolated and never got any of the Bush Master at all. Notice the difference in the leafs? Everything else has been the same.

DAM!!!!! The Trichs popped out in the last 24 hours like popcorn.

I used a CFL for lighting, while placeing a small magnifying glass in front of my camera for the close ups.



Well-Known Member
ok. here are the new photos from today. there has been a huge change in the buds in the last 24 hours. I have added nuts to the soup raising the PPM to 970, with Sensi bloom A&B, B-52, Overdrive, and carboload. As I said in an earlier post on about page 3 or 4 I was thinking these should be ready about 1/12/08. and I guess I need to go back to that estimate, because these ladies are coming on strong.

This Journal was started to show how much crap you can put a plant through and hopefully bring them back to produce some nice buds. If you guys want to get an idea about this, please read the first page of post.

I have a plant that is in a Hydro system all by itself, I have not taken any pictures of this plant, because I was consuntrating my thread on the 6 plants that were screwed up in the first week.
The fourth picture shows the plant that is isolated and never got any of the Bush Master at all. Notice the difference in the leafs? Everything else has been the same.

DAM!!!!! The Trichs popped out in the last 24 hours like popcorn.

I used a CFL for lighting, while placeing a small magnifying glass in front of my camera for the close ups.
man they look good. the last pic on the right looks similar to my last grow. i must have had some nl in the genetics. i heard nl is the cornerstone for a lot of strains out today. here is a pic. not trying to hijack but leaves look similar and buds a little too. although yours look like better quality buds,genes and more hairy. :mrgreen:


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You and anyone else, please feel free to post what you want, I also would like to see what you guys are talk about. I just do not want people to come in and be rude and insulting, and asking stupid questions over and over and over, and then telling people they do not know SHIT because they can not answer the big question.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
man they look good. the last pic on the right looks similar to my last grow. i must have had some nl in the genetics. i heard nl is the cornerstone for a lot of strains out today. here is a pic. not trying to hijack but leaves look similar and buds a little too. although yours look like better quality buds,genes and more hairy. :mrgreen:
Yes,, those look very close to what I have, but with much healthier looking fan leafs.

If you all did not know. Humbolt Counties Bush Master is an additive that is ment to keep a plant short, and to start budding quicker. I added it at 25% strength, and my plants never hit a growwth spurt, but the BUDS popped right out in the first 2-3 weeks. If anyone ever uses this stuff,, go very, very ,very lightly with it. I would never do a first go around with this CRAP any stronger then like 10% strength.


Well-Known Member
I just read all 14 pages and must say I like what I see. Nirvana from what I read is a very inconsistent strain of NL so I'm happy your plants turned out so beautiful.

The reason I am so curios is because I am starting a soil grow of 10 Dr. Atomic - Atomic Northern Lights whenever they arrive in the mail! I am only using a 650HPS/MH however :P

Good luck and hope it turns out well. Keep an eye out for my journal because I would love your opinions/suggestions throughout my grow.


Well-Known Member
Yep, you both were so right... When i checked in on them tonight, the crystals were forming a lot heavier then yesterday. I will show pictures as soon as I mix them some new soup.
Anytime you burn your plants your plants will take anywhere from 10 to 14 days longer to mature thats a fact. those buds look nice not great but nice they will get a lot bigger in the next two weeks and a hell of lot of sugar is waiting to ooz out if you have a dehumidifier turn it on when there sleeping the plants will sugar up like theres no tommorrow thats a trick to getting stoner buds and more weight thats my tip for you lord dangly bits you do grow for quality not quanty right :peace: trust me you wont be sorry :mrgreen:

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I have always thought that 30-40% humidity was best for flowering. I looked into the price of a dehumidifier, at $235 I will stick with 40%. Maybe on my Trainwreck grow I will get one.


Well-Known Member
mine has been between 20-35% for the entire grow....I asked this question of fdd, and in your the late fall he has 20-25%.....

from the textbooks?

taken from RC Clark (Cannabis Botany)

Humidity is an interesting parameter of THC production and one of the least understood. Most highquality drug Cannabisgrows in areas that are dry much of the time at least during the maturation period. It follows that increased resin produc. tion in response to arid conditions might account for increased THC production. High-THC strains, however, also grow in very humid conditions (greenhouses and equatorial zones) and produce copious quantities of resin. Cannabis seems not to produce more resins in response to dry soil, as it does to a dry atmosphere. Drying out plants by with-holding water for the last weeks of flowering does not stimulate THC production, although an arid atmosphere may do so. A Cannabis plant in flower requires water, so that nutrients are available. for operating the various bio-synthetic pathways.

And from the Greenman's Grow Bible

Cannabis plants work best in the 40 - 80 percent relative humidity area.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I just read all 14 pages and must say I like what I see. Nirvana from what I read is a very inconsistent strain of NL so I'm happy your plants turned out so beautiful.

Yes, I also have found Nirvana's NL seeds to be very inconsistent. I bought 10 seeds. Nine of them Germinated, I could only fit 8 of them in my little veg. hydro system though with 6" blocks, So I put the 9th one in soil as a hopeful mother. Of the 8 in the hydro system, 7 turned out to be male. The one in the soil was also Female, so I put the one in soil back into veg to be my NL mother. The single female NL plant looked very healthy, and grew, and grew and grew, and grew. It had huge buds, some were as big as my whole arm. It was 6 1/2' tall, and over 3' in diameter. BUT!!!!! the buds were not dense at all. and they looked like shit, and they would not mature, they just kept getting bigger and bigger also. I had that dam plant in flower for about 15 weeks. Total darkness, and I was useing a Nutrient recipey I had always used at that time. THIS DAM PLANT WAS HUGE!!!! I got over 9 OZ's of some shitty ass buds. Once I started clipping those huge buds, they ended up being mostly stem, I ended up with piles and piles of tiny crap buds.

This was why I tried Humbolt Countie's Bush Master. Because I was afraid that the Clones from my mother would do the same shit. I think it was just the gene that was on that one seed. Nirvana seeds??? Not for this guy anymore. Plus it took 13 weeks for them to arrive, and out of the 5-6 emails I sent Nirvana, not one was replied to. But yet I order from Dr. Chronic, and I send them 2 emails asking simple questions, and they are replied to with in 24 hours. And my seeds arrived 8 days from the day I placed the order.

Good luck with your Atomic Nothern Lights TITLE.....:peace: