When will budding start on my clones in southern ontario?


early to mid august bro. I still have ~40 clones to put out. bought them for $4 each and the guy told me they were rooted beforehand, so I got set back a few weeks waiting for them to root & bound. got any pics?
Perfect so seeing as I put mine out in MAY and they started to flower then reverted back to veg in June and now have been vegging up they should keep vegging for awhile?

My mother plant also was put outside early and she revegged huge, can I still take clones from her this late and have them produce enough to make it worth it?


I wouldnt really recommend it, rooting & bounding will take a few weeks and once you get them out it will not really be worth the trouble IMO. you can still do it though, just wont produce very much.
so maybe just better off to flower out the big mother after taking a couple of clones for new mother plants vs taking more clones to flower at this time of the year?
Should my plants just be starting to poke out pistols if they are clones that already were growing pistols when cloned?(possibly even in flower). Also when do you believe the main bud will starting after the pistols show?


Active Member
pistils are forming all over mine too here in Northern Ontario. Had them out at the start of June after beginning them indoors in early April. They are Arjan Haze #3, and they're a little over 5 feet tall right now. All systems go (except for a slug attack on one which will be corrrected by putting a brass band around the bottom of the plant.


Active Member
The slugs (about 6) had crawled up the stalk and were positioned all over the plant and were very easy to see. Correction on the "brass" ring, it's actually made of copper. If you have slugs (particularly not good during flowering) the copper band prevents them from getting up the stalk (apparently their slug slime does not react well with copper).

Anyway, the veg period should be just about over soon, and then the interminable wait for the things to finish. By the way, does anybody know if having frost kill a plant will rob it of potency?


Well-Known Member
The slugs (about 6) had crawled up the stalk and were positioned all over the plant and were very easy to see. Correction on the "brass" ring, it's actually made of copper. If you have slugs (particularly not good during flowering) the copper band prevents them from getting up the stalk (apparently their slug slime does not react well with copper).

Anyway, the veg period should be just about over soon, and then the interminable wait for the things to finish. By the way, does anybody know if having frost kill a plant will rob it of potency?
When does the frost and cold rain start hitting Northern ON? If a hard frost really kills the plant it can turn it into mush. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but Arjan's Haze #3 is Haze x Laos, listed as having a flowering time of 11 weeks and outdoor harvest in November. I am south of you and both of those characteristics puts it way out of the running as an outdoor option. I can't really count on any heavy flowering starting until very late August in my area, and it just gets later the further North you go. You may have to find a way to protect it from the elements if you want it to get some sort of finished product.
im in the GTA, and one of my sativa/indica hybrids is shooting pistils all over the place, my indicas aren't showing anything. The hybrid plants are about 5 foot high, my indica (1xCrimea Blue, 3xLA Confidential, 2xBlack Domina/Purple Kush) are just starting to show pre-flowers. The indica plants are about 2-3 foot tall. The heat this year is great for the plants, but they sure are hungry....


Active Member
I can't really count on any heavy flowering starting until very late August in my area, and it just gets later the further North you go

Actually, our days get shorter sooner, so the further north you go, the earlier they flower. The arjan haze 3 is probably not the right plant, regardless, but it is what i've got. if things don't look far enough along, they'll be finished inside (they're in pots).