help please


Well-Known Member
You are going to need to be alot more specific than this Tucker

Give a description of your growing environment
Also what nutes are you giving it and how much how often?

Initiall response is that this looks like Nute burn.

What soil are you using?



Well-Known Member
deffo nutrient burn - u shudnt start feeding any nutes to a plant that small! around 3/4 weeks before nutes

if you have been feeding them nutes - flush them with ph'd water ur water shud be around 6/6.5 PH


Well-Known Member
looks like hot soil mix or fed too early..let it use up the nutes in the soil 1st. Plain ph'd water for about a month and it will be fine. The new growth still looks fine from what i can see in the blurry pics.


its in hyponex potting soil. ive got it in an old screen reptile cage that has been covered in tinfoil. there is a 19 watt florescent light and a 19w spot light. the temp stays between 80-88. and the only nutes ive given it is a tsp of ammonium sulfate yesterday..


looks like hot soil mix or fed too early..let it use up the nutes in the soil 1st. Plain ph'd water for about a month and it will be fine. The new growth still looks fine from what i can see in the blurry pics.
thanks. the soil mix it was in was weird so i repotted it and its doing way better already


Well-Known Member
is that brown part mushy at all or more crispy? cuz it looks like its starting to rot like you said, if that is the case cut that leaf off.


Well-Known Member
that link didnt work, if you cant hold the back of your hand where the top of the plant it for a minute w/o it getting uncomfortabley hot then its too close, otherwise the closer the better.


Well-Known Member
You're going to want more than 38W of light for your plant. Time to invest in some more CFL's!

Also, how often are you watering your plant?