No-more half assed journels


Well-Known Member
Hi there, ive been a member of roi for about 9 months now and been growing nearly most of that time and wanted to do journels and show my girls off, but always let you guy's down by not keeping updating them or just blanking the journel alltogether. So now that im growing some of the best bud ive saw never mind grew myself and im just about to start the Big Budda's Chiesel, now's as good a time to start!
Ive just popped my 2 Fem beans in cooled off water from kettle, not cold but def not as much as warm, to soak for 12 hours then into paper tissue. Im not going to bother taking pic's of these parts!
During this i will also post pic's of the plants ive got running just now: Pineapple(clone only),Chronic and Super Silver Haze from GH but thats another thread!
I have a cupboard thats 3 Ft, wide and deep and around 7 Ft. high, with an extention on the side about 1.5 metre sq. Extention for Veg. and other for flowering.
I have a 400w MH for my growing and a 600w HPS for flowering. I use Bio-Biz soil and ferts with canna pk 13/14.
Well when im going to plant my new babies ill hit yous bk and start the pic's. All Q's welcome.


Well-Known Member
So i soaked my 2 seeds in cooled kettle water till they sunk, then popped them into paper towel which i used the same water to soak (not too much), and about 12 hours later they have both cracked and have nice tap roots coming out. Thats prob the fastest ive seen a seed Germ so hoping its a good thing! My G/friend has took the damn cam to work with her so i'll get yous some pic's up later! Good start though!
Here is some of the Pineapple and Chronic im running just now!001.JPG013.JPG015.JPG007.JPG014.JPG143.JPG145.JPG Thats the Chronic the last pic, the rest are my last Pineapple crop.


Well-Known Member
So Thats me got the cam back. DSC01024.JPG Thats the Chiesel's Germed and planted in peat pellets which i find ideal. The start of good things to come!


Well-Known Member
This is my Veg. room weed 3 360.JPG And my flower roomDSC01023.JPG Which is over crowded but, got a Pineapple and this Bagseed that look and smells nice, coming out to dry next week!


Well-Known Member
60 views and no reply's ! c'mon peeps this is a forum! Nothing happening with the Chiesel yet but i'll take some more of my other strains for y'all later.


Well-Known Member
So still no sprouts from my Cheisel yet, but only been potted 2 day's. so no pic's to add but i have a few from this bagseed i got from a friend and when seeing she was a she, i took some clones from her and threw her onto flower since i had the room, but i didnt have much faith in this unknown strain and she was kept in a small pot and never got too much attention, but if i thot my Pineapple was a fast flowerer take a look at this thing at 45 days!DSC01041.JPGView attachment 1060151View attachment 1060152View attachment 1060153View attachment 1060154 Im glad i took a couple clones as she looks like she could yeild quite alot givin more care!


Well-Known Member
sorry bout the pic's, but for 45 Days thats fast! The leaves are dying and falling and trich's just starting to bend though still milky!


Well-Known Member
So still no sprouts to show y'all yet! But good news is my Pineapple clone came down! Got som good pic's when my stupid g/friend comes back in with cam! but their already took! And im soooo impressed even with the quqlity of the last crop, this is CRAZY! The calyxes have gone se big that if any of you have saw the 'Greenhouse Seeds' Trainwreck grow on You Tube then their even Bigger! all over the bud are the same snd covered in trich's! Pic's soon!


Well-Known Member
Well good news people, thats one of the Chiesel seeds sprouted! just through the night there, so hopefully the other one is'nt far behind! Im just getting a coffee, then ill load up the pic that will officially kick this journel off!


Well-Known Member
So here we go 'The official Chiesel grow! DSC01111.JPG Still just the one so far but if you turn them both over they both have the Tap root poking out, so the second one im expecting to break surface today! But were off and running now!


Well-Known Member
I nearly forgot, here's my Pineapple harvest i just done. DSC01045.JPGDSC01056.JPGDSC01051.JPGDSC01052.JPG
Also ive just had 5 clones root on me on same day!DSC01112.JPG So lots of work, but lots of smoking to come!


Well-Known Member
Hi again people, just as i thought the other seedling broke through the same day as other 074.JPG So both germed, planted and sprouted at same times, " Big Up Big Budda ". This will be my last post for a week or so then just do weekly posts so you's can see the changes. Promise to continue this through to the end!