No-more half assed journels


Active Member
looks good, im smoking pineapple right now, one of my favs. nice pics, your ladies got me all excited. ill be watching


Active Member
So I've finally got round to updating my Chiesel Journal! That's me at around week 3, one has deff. got more vigour in it, but i'll still grow out the two. I nearly killed the best one lastnight! I've got them raised up on a large pot turned upside-down, to get better light or my othe plants would just shade them! Anyway, while moving another plant to throw out ( to make space!), i knocked over the Chiesel and god only knows how it never snapped!, but were ok im glad to say. View attachment 1090533 You can see the closer one is the better one, but still damn seedling's! lol. I just got a few Dutch Passion Blueberry seeds today with post and this is one of my Fav's and been waiting nearly 2 years to find them in-stock from a trusted dealer, so Really happy today!

thats great that your wee one didnt break.


Well-Known Member
So i've got this Chiesel journal going too. Going to put the two together so y'all can follow them both at same time, and it will give me less updates to do! Untill I get it together here's a couple snap's of the Pineapple im running just now. at 5 weeks 12/12:DSC01391.JPGDSC01392.JPG Coming along nicely, with my Chiesel's in background!