Hi Im New To The Forum Just Looking For Some Advice Regarding Low Yeilds


Active Member
Its really hard to say what to do. Basically what you said are your choices (if the humidity is the absolute problem). Just experiment on getting rid of it as cost effectively as possible.


Well-Known Member
yea im just getting fed up with it.... and relaly wonder if its worth in tryin out 1 more dehumidifier.. that woudl be 3 in a 10x10 foot area... maybe its worth a try since i already got this far with it...is it possibile these older dehumdifiers are are not so efficieint... does them filling up 50% -75% /day with 70% humiidty at night make sense or shoudl they be filling up faster????


Well-Known Member
i had an old dehumidifier it would fill up in a few days,i replaced it with a new effiecient one and it filled up in less then a day,you just need a new effiecient dehumidifier.


Well-Known Member
are ur lights close enough to the plants? i would say your humidity is to high but not sure if thats the reason for low yeilds. But i definitly think co2 is your problem, if you have lots of plants in a single room then it probably is. Somebody wanna second that?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
hey guys heres some pics of the room...Every time i reach week 4 when they begin to bud i start having mildew problems... ive also noticed come winter months the humidty rises + the mold on the ceiling is not helpin esepcialyy since my chiller is pointing in that direction and my plants are right below it....therefor im 99.9% sure that my low yeilds are the results of the comibination of mildew/mold floating around the room and high humisity cuased by the current wet monthsresulating in condesation/humdidity build up eseoaiclly when the lights are off..... anyone please throw in ur 2 cents...

My other concern is that i may be over watering/feeding... as ive noticed when i cut the girls and remove the soil from the pots it is alittle moist towards the bottom... is this bad?? how many mls per gallon do u on average feed??? can this be atrributed to the moist soil under the tarp???

My plan of action is:

Bleach clorox spray the room and scrud the mold...poly the wall & ceiling on an angle so that line of mold is outside of the room...

Buy a new dehumidifer install it and see how effective a new dehumidifer..

Run a duct from the furnace to proved the room with dry warm air

What are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
the dehumidifier doesnt work i you have circulating fans and the lights on. it will collect no water with the heat just evaporating the water right back into the air. run the dehumidifier during the dark period and take the water out of the collecting bucket. and 10 zips aint to bad, i wouldnt call that a low yield.


Well-Known Member
really...why would the dehumidifer not work??do u only have ur dehumidifer on at night... yea 10 is bad my gaol is 16 minumim with the aim to do 1.5lbs with co2 minumum. what do you think about these ideas based on my thread?

My plan of action is:

Bleach clorox spray the room and scrud the mold...poly the wall & ceiling on an angle so that line of mold is outside of the room...

Buy a new dehumidifer install it and see how effective a new dehumidifer..

Run a duct from the furnace to proved the room with dry warm air



Well-Known Member
hey guys heres some pics of the room...Every time i reach week 4 when they begin to bud i start having mildew problems... ive also noticed come winter months the humidty rises + the mold on the ceiling is not helpin esepcialyy since my chiller is pointing in that direction and my plants are right below it....therefor im 99.9% sure that my low yeilds are the results of the comibination of mildew/mold floating around the room and high humisity cuased by the current wet monthsresulating in condesation/humdidity build up eseoaiclly when the lights are off..... anyone please throw in ur 2 cents...

My other concern is that i may be over watering/feeding... as ive noticed when i cut the girls and remove the soil from the pots it is alittle moist towards the bottom... is this bad?? how many mls per gallon do u on average feed??? can this be atrributed to the moist soil under the tarp???

My plan of action is:

Bleach clorox spray the room and scrud the mold...poly the wall & ceiling on an angle so that line of mold is outside of the room...

Buy a new dehumidifer install it and see how effective a new dehumidifer..

Run a duct from the furnace to proved the room with dry warm air

What are your thoughts?

i think you are on the right track. get the duct run. i think it will help a lot. sounds like next time you need to get that room fully sealed from moisture before you start. brining the humidity down will help with the mildew. it sounds like you may be over watering. what i like to do is to fully water until the soil is soaked. then watch the plants. wait for them to start to wilt. then water 12 hours earlier next time. :mrgreen: i stop watering 3 days before harvest.


Well-Known Member
yea im escited i got some good ideas...i cant stop the perpetual must go , i cant just battle it with some alterations... yea i think i have been over watering... do u find thought some pots dry up fast then others? what do u do then??


Well-Known Member
i mean, im just thinking that a dehumidief makes the water condense on a cooling coil right? then if the lights are on making the room hotter and drawing moisture up into the air, the dehumidifier would be pointless. or at leat not as effective as in a room without HID lighting. but whatever I say, is overruled my FDD. hes a vet, im not.


Well-Known Member
bvuddy i got some great ideas .. it hit me or something i see what the girls need... ther maybe some sawing involved to get YES!!!! :D:D:D:D