plants look done, but no amber trichomes

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
My plants look like they are thinning out and dieing. All the big leaves are gone, basically just buds on stalks at this point, and its yellowing. I am expecting them to do that near the end of their life cycle. I started flowering on 6-3-10 so im coming up on 7 weeks now. About half of the pistols are red/brown now, and half are still white. It's starting to look like real bud now.

I just got my 60-100x pocket microscope in the mail yesterday and checked out the trichomes on the plants. It's 100% clear trichomes, not a single amber one yet.

When do they turn amber? Is it going to happen rapidly? Or should they already be changing at this point?

I'm at work right now so I have no pictures, but will try to post some later tonight.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for the buds to fatten up too. They should swell up right before they are done too right? Mine have not swelled yet


Well-Known Member
Ya the last couple weeks they put on the most weight.

If I was you, Id start the flush now. If you havent already.

If you still have alot of white hairs its not near done yet. You will start to see the trichs turn milky then amber. I like to take mine a lil early to have more of a head high but thats just me.


Active Member
Keep in mind that trichs aren't everything...also look at your lady's hairs. If they are changing color and receding back into the bud, you are making progress. Some types will start to die off even when the trichs are still clear/cloudy. They will still further change during the curing process.


New Member
Like everyone else said, you still have another week to 3 weeks, if you are at 7 weeks right now. Be patient. My Ice plants usually start to turn amber about week 8.5 to 9.

When this batch is done, look at the root structure right after you harvest each plant, see if you may be rootbound. Sometimes that can cause the plants leaves to die prematurely from what I understand. Just lift your plant up by the leftover stalk, and take a look. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Now I will give my plants light vegg nutes untill week 3.

I slowly tapper off the vegg and increse on bloom.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i just have generic plant food that i fed for veg and flowering. its 10-15-10 i believe. i started off at 1/4 strength and gradually increased it. now im feeding the veg at 2X strength and they are loving it. i shoulda fed the plants a lot more. they are in small pots too. my original plan was to clone them, then place the clones into flower after just a couple weeks and keep a perpetual grow of small plants going. this first wave is significantly larger than i originally anticipate so i think the pots are severely under sized. i didnt want to repot them in the middle of flower because i thought it would be too stressful.


Well-Known Member
From the pics you have a ways to go yet...

Sativas can go 11+ weeks. I know... I am waiting on some :] Almost 10 weeks for me.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
FYI there are 3 mature plants, and 2 immature ones in the flower chamber. pics 2, 3, and 4 are of the mature one that is not looking done. the rest are of the other 2 mature ones that look done. in the background of a few you can see the young ones.


Well-Known Member
FYI there are 3 mature plants, and 2 immature ones in the flower chamber. pics 2, 3, and 4 are of the mature one that is not looking done. the rest are of the other 2 mature ones that look done. in the background of a few you can see the young ones.

FYI you burned the hell out of the plant in pic one.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
FYI you burned the hell out of the plant in pic one.
are you sure its burned? the leaves are yellowing from the top to the bottom on both those plants. i dont think its getting burned by the light (the drying and yellowing is not just near the light; other plants are not getting burned at the same distance) or too much nutes. I thought it might be a nute deficiency, but the other ones getting the same watering/feeding schedule and not "burning" yet. i thought it was just the natural progression and they started to die off at the end of their life cycle.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
well those 2 plants are looking terrible. the buds have not fattened up, and everything is turning yellow. they are in 1 gallon pots, which i think is way too small for their size. i stopped feeding them and started feeding plain water when i started this thread, and after every water they get slightly more yellow. when i "flush" the pot with 1-2 gallons of plain water i notice the yellowing gets much much worse (leading me to believe the flush sucked the last bit of nutes out of the soil further contributing to their deficiency). the pistols are are starting to brown/red (about 50% so far). trichomes still look 100% clear last time i checked. the plant in pic 2 had a large branch break off (maybe 15-20% of the total plant/bud was on this branch) before I took these pics. after it broke off, the plant seemed to get more vegetative growth and look green and healthy (as you can see in the pics). I dried the bud for about a week before testing it out. it was TERRIBLE. full of seeds, and didnt get me high off an entire joint. I am hoping it was because it was many weeks before the real harvest of the plant. Ive already got the next batch starting in the flower chamber. These plants are starting smaller than this first batch (so hopefully will be smaller when fully mature). I'm also getting bigger pots for them. Any other advice or input from anyone?


Well-Known Member
i just have generic plant food that i fed for veg and flowering. its 10-15-10 i believe. i started off at 1/4 strength and gradually increased it. now im feeding the veg at 2X strength and they are loving it. i shoulda fed the plants a lot more. they are in small pots too. my original plan was to clone them, then place the clones into flower after just a couple weeks and keep a perpetual grow of small plants going. this first wave is significantly larger than i originally anticipate so i think the pots are severely under sized. i didnt want to repot them in the middle of flower because i thought it would be too stressful.
your feeding too much N. and not enough P for that ratio....... thats why you plant is leafy, still kinda green leafed, and the buds look weird.... those calyxes tell the story of a plant that almost ready for harvest.. they are pretty damn swelled up... still wait a week, or even 2... matter fact if i was you i would flush for atleast 10 days and harvest

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
wait, so is THIS what should swell up in the last couple weeks?

i was under the impression the whole bud will swell up and be more bulky in the last couple weeks. those circled things have been swollen for weeks.