I was told this wouldnt work


Active Member

This is what I was planning on doing. Thats the top of my growtent that its sitting on and on top of an extractor fans exhaust.

Then low and behold i am told this wont work, that carbon filters (and some sort of sock filter) needs air to be sucked through it rather then blown out of it

Any advice lads because Im stuck at the moment - its either build this or use ona gel which i heard can ruin the taste of buds :(

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I belive that pulling through the filter is more efficient, but both ways can get the job done with the right equipment.


Active Member
i think it was the owner of the hydro store

not the usual guy i talk to down there

im going to have to drop in again tomorrow now and see if hes there


I am kinda new but from my understanding, what you want to do will work in the same way that putting your car in neutral and pushing it will get you where you're going. It will work but there is a much better and efficient way to do it. It is much easier to suck the smelly air out than it is to try and push it out. Why don't you just put the fan outside the grow tent and extract the air out through the carbon filter?


Well-Known Member
I would say pulling through is best because it will still move just as much air. Blowin through it restricts the airflow. I just went through this so Im not just talkin smack. I found it most effective to pull through it. Good luck. Hope you find a way to work it.


Well-Known Member
I am kinda new but from my understanding, what you want to do will work in the same way that putting your car in neutral and pushing it will get you where you're going. It will work but there is a much better and efficient way to do it. It is much easier to suck the smelly air out than it is to try and push it out. Why don't you just put the fan outside the grow tent and extract the air out through the carbon filter?
There is a white pre-filter cover over the outside of the filter. This allows dust and hair to be caught before it clogs the carbon. The filter was meant to be inside the tent and drawn through by a fan that you could put on the outside or inside the tent with the filter. You can do it the other way but it may not be as efficient and the dust/hair can clog the filter and shorten its life.


Active Member
interesting stuff, i knew it was worth checking this thread later

the reason i wanted to keep it outside the tent was due to size and the bathroom extractor fan i am using for exhaust - its 80cfm/h and i have only a 60x60x140 space - if my calculations are correct, that means all the air is getting replaced once every minute in there (correct me if i am wrong) and that seems like over kill to me

what do yous think?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
That may be an 80 cfm bathroom fan, but it will not be able to keep up once the filter is attached. It will drop the cfm significantly.


interesting stuff, i knew it was worth checking this thread later

the reason i wanted to keep it outside the tent was due to size and the bathroom extractor fan i am using for exhaust - its 80cfm/h and i have only a 60x60x140 space - if my calculations are correct, that means all the air is getting replaced once every minute in there (correct me if i am wrong) and that seems like over kill to me

what do yous think?
It's not necessarily overkill, it is more than you need but better to have more ventilation than less. I have been told that the air needs to be replaced at the very least every 5 minutes. So assuming your math is correct (it's too early in the AM for me to check it :) ) then no it's not overkill, just good ventilation.


Active Member
thanks for the advice in this thread lads

with only 2 plants and the dimenions i mentioned earlier, this is a fairly small personal grow and the smell could be manageable with just some oder eatting gel (im thinking something for a fridge) but nothing like ona gel

ill see what happens in the mean time - if i have to go all industrail with a carbon filter, ducting and a new fan, then i suppose i will have to