• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What are we going to do?


It is worrisome that we have to fight our own government about people who have entered here illegally. They are not here to be saved from political persecution to which it is time for their return or a disaster. They ran,swam, climbed threw tunnels over fences and under fences to get here ILLEGALLY! To take from our families to give to theirs, sorry but that is the truth. They want a better life, understandable but not by disrespecting the laws of our land and rights.

It is not the people but the government that wants them here for political gain and cheap labor. The government then uses this power against us. That is TREASON by all accounts is it not http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/treason

Now the government is telling the states that they can not enforce their Sovereign right to enforce it's laws and rights of citizens.

The polls clearly show the support for this law. But the government has told us that they think the people here ILLEGALLY have more importance then its own people! That makes this TREASON , as the government is purposely choosing not to enforce the laws of the land that we have put in place.

It seems the government has become good at telling us what we need to do verse doing what we the people ask.




Active Member
The American people need to wake up and vote the thieving bastards out of office. For too long Americans have cared more about sports and celebrity news than anything dealing with politics. How many people do you know that can’t even name both of their senators and their congressman? I know a bunch. They bitch and moan but when it comes time to vote they are nowhere to be seen.
My neighbor talks like a libertarian but votes democrat because his dad was a democrat. No shit that’s what he told me. My mother in law voted for Obama because her union wanted her to. She doesn’t like the guy now, said she won’t do it again.
If more people paid attention to what these bums are doing they wouldn’t get away with it. I mean come on they’ve passed over 5,000 pages of legislation in the health care and financial reform bills and most of the cock suckers haven’t even read the dam things.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
"A Little Rebellion Now and Then Is A Good Thing" ~Thomas Jefferson

I think we should just march on the White House and protest like the Tea Party group. While there, protest to get pot legal to!... Wishful thinking right?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
arizona's laws won't solve anything. it'll just clog up it's police force with immigration cases, which the INS already stated it will not take up.... what will happen to all those illegal immigrants??

the reason the justice dept went after this law is because it's full of loopholes and it was drafted and passed against the wishes of the current administration. if arizona would've taken another approach, the wheels on immigration reform might have started spinning... but they let racial fear take them over and they were blinded by a 'fake' emergency situation edged on by the more conservative members of society.

like it or not "Dems" are in power, and it's well within their right to defend their constitutionally appointed power....

and border enforcement IS a federal power, which states HAD to give up to become part of the union when it was formed. don't like it?? change the constitution. haha... good luck with that one.


Well-Known Member
It will be much easier to implement a National ID after we have a bunch more murders on the border that move inward. The citizens will beg to have a special ID that lets them be "Free".


Well-Known Member
You seen the dumb ass chit the puppet media tried too pull.They did'nt point out,that illegals come here,for free stuff.Yeh some work hard,but the majority don't.Let me point out what happens.They come over,have kids,now their kids are legal.Free welfare,food stamps,gov. housing,schooling,etc.They also commit identity fraud,get into gangbanging,and kill your kids.Now our jails are full with them,more free food,medical,etc.Basically it drains state funds,fills our jails, and public schools etc.Look at cali as an example.Also they say,thier taking the jobs of america.BS,most of the jobs,are going east,to CHINA,INDIA,ETC.Blame corporate greed for that,and the Gov.


Well-Known Member
You seen the dumb ass chit the puppet media tried too pull.They did'nt point out,that illegals come here,for free stuff.Yeh some work hard,but the majority don't.Let me point out what happens.They come over,have kids,now their kids are legal.Free welfare,food stamps,gov. housing,schooling,etc.They also commit identity fraud,get into gangbanging,and kill your kids.Now our jails are full with them,more free food,medical,etc.Basically it drains state funds,fills our jails, and public schools etc.Look at cali as an example.Also they say,thier taking the jobs of america.BS,most of the jobs,are going east,to CHINA,INDIA,ETC.Blame corporate greed for that,and the Gov.
that hit the nail on the head.


Active Member
Although I support Ron Paul I think that Ron Paul is a tad bit too close minded on the Immigration issues. I think what he fails to consider is that ALL AMERICANS ARE IMMIGRANTS. Only the NATIVE AMERICANS are native to North America. Granted we are in the 21st century, but that does not negate the fact of the matter and US HISTORY. The greater majority of AMERICANS are generations latter of some Immigrant from wherever. So its got to be hard to accept the hypocracies of allowing these ones but not those ones nowadays. However, in todays age, there is a "right way" and a "wrong way" in getting to America. I think we should follow that policy, but not waste to much money tightening our borders. Statistically most get caught in due time...so that is seems to be the cheaper more effective method rather than sending tons of troops and enforcement officials to "tighten up" our borders.


Well-Known Member
One point many do not realize is that working immigrants DO pay taxes, 7 billion dollars have gone into OUR social security system so that WE CITIZENS can retire and they will never get that back. Another interesting statistic to realize is that Crime in Arizona has actually gone DOWN in recent years even with the constant rise in illegal immigration.

In a CNN interview Jan Brewer could not even defend the law without tons of stutters... she couldn't even get a sentence strait.

Why dont people sit back and think for a second? The economy is bad right now... in bad times politicians need somebody to blame... Illegal Immigrants are the scapegoat, and you should hear many things said about these people on networks like FoX news and many of you have bought it. The law was challenged and partially defeated already because it was a bad approach and is unconstitutional. Sit back and think about all the hate that you're being filled with against a latinos in general and not even just illegals because I fucking guarantee you that when you see a Latino the first thing that comes to mind is ILLEGAL.

Just something to think about, I'm for immigration reform and protecting our borders but the problem is much bigger and more complicated and in many cases your anger is misguided.


Active Member
Only the NATIVE AMERICANS are native to North America. Granted we are in the 21st century, but that does not negate the fact of the matter and US HISTORY..
What are you 12? Seriously! The debate isn’t over immigration practices from 200 years ago, it’s about today. You can run that shit on someone who gives a dam. I didn’t do it and the sins of the father are not the sins of the son.

This nation is supposed to be a nation of laws. The law should be the same for everyone. Maybe that’s an idealist belief but that’s what keeps the majority from screwing the minority. Well unless that minority is the wealthy people in this country but I digress. If a person didn’t respect the laws coming here why should they be allowed to stay? If someone breaks into a person’s house should they be allowed to live there as an undocumented resident? Maybe I’ll go and make an undocumented withdrawal from the bank tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
The economy is bad right now... in bad times politicians need somebody to blame... Illegal Immigrants are the scapegoat.....
you seem to have conveniently forgotten that it isn't politicians that are rallying against illegal immigration, but the people themselves. those few politicians that are following the lead of their constituents are mostly doing so for fear of losing their jobs. perhaps you've forgotten the outcry a few years back, when we were threatened by an amnesty and it was only turned aside by the nearly unanimous voice of the people.

The law was challenged and partially defeated already because it was a bad approach and is unconstitutional.
unconstitutional? how is it that a law that mirrors federal law is considered unconstitutional? only a blind fool could fail to see the political overtones inherent in this decision, the fight between federal supremacy and the sovereignty of the states, the battle between power-hungry political elitists and the citizens they are supposed to be representing.

Sit back and think about all the hate that you're being filled with against a latinos in general and not even just illegals because I fucking guarantee you that when you see a Latino the first thing that comes to mind is ILLEGAL.
so were back to the race card. more idiocy thrown up to deflect reason. perhaps you'd like to convince my hispanic neighbors, most of whom whole-heartedly support arizona's anti-illegal immigration bill, that they are so thoroughly racist.


Well-Known Member
We could build another Area 51 all along the southern border since nobody gets into that place.:-P

The Potologist

Active Member
What are you 12? Seriously! The debate isn’t over immigration practices from 200 years ago, it’s about today. You can run that shit on someone who gives a dam. I didn’t do it and the sins of the father are not the sins of the son.

This nation is supposed to be a nation of laws. The law should be the same for everyone. Maybe that’s an idealist belief but that’s what keeps the majority from screwing the minority. Well unless that minority is the wealthy people in this country but I digress. If a person didn’t respect the laws coming here why should they be allowed to stay? If someone breaks into a person’s house should they be allowed to live there as an undocumented resident? Maybe I’ll go and make an undocumented withdrawal from the bank tomorrow.
Yeah....He's 12...just 4 days older than you....what are you???...a smarty pants? A Mr. Know it all? You should be a lawyer, or maybe a teacher...like in a school instead of some stoner forum :) So go run your mr. know it all got every fucking right awnser on someone else ....I guess its safe to say that you have a point...one of a 11 year old

Leave the guy alone....learn to convey a more positive message and people may take you more seriously. Until then, you sound like a 11 year old yourself. There is a right way to act and a wrong way to act. A right way to give criticism and a wrong. Choose your words more wisely, and you wouldnt be hitting yourself in the back of the head :)

The Potologist

Active Member
If you’ve got a problem with something I said about illegal immigration by all means let’s hear it. If you’re going to attack me for my delivery I don’t really care. But I will offer one piece of advice, toughen up pussy it’s a cold hard world out there and not everyone is going to play nice.
Can you read ? I had no problem with your views and opinions on the topic of illegal immigration. MY PROBLEMS are in the way you delivered your comments. Calling someone 12 years old ( FYI, one has to be above the age of 18 to enter site), moreso, calling names(pussy)....your still smacking the shit outta the back of your head...you are really making yourself look completely dumb. Personally, I know MixedMelodyMindBender....hes far from 12. Hes a great dude with one hell of a mind and education....which is what I recommend for you. Stupidity has a hard time shinning through those who carry themselves appropriately and of a certian educational level. Get real. Your name calling is pointless and only helps to show your true immaturities. If you cant behave right on this forum, trust me, you will be dealt with accordingly. Lets keep this thread on illegal immagration instead of immature harassments and offensive language. WE ARE ALL OVER 18,( My one advice to you) Lets act it, please :)