i found 27 plants. they were probubly put there in may so they are probuby about 3 months old. i normaly wouldnt take them but they are still in styrofoam cups! i had to do something.. anywyas they are about 2 - 2 and half feet tall. and there are about 3 or 4 stems coming out of the cup and the stem dvides alot to other stems but the stems arnt long with not to many leaves and buds developing with white hairs. stems are pretty thick and really bushy plants... if u look at the top u can see a bud developing with little white hairs on all the plants.. i have about 2 months left before frost.. i know i should put them in a bigger pot.. do you think a 2litre pop bottle would maybe do the trick? also i have about 10 1 cubic foot holes dug. what soil should i use? thanks