Rusty's 1200w "Amsterdam Bubblegum" Hydro/DWC


Well-Known Member
Looking good there Rusty. I like how you grow other things besides weed in your tent. Tobacco huh. I used to cut tobacco when i was younger for 16 cents a stick.


Active Member
Good setup man, keep it up.
bummer you had 6 males! thats annoying as hell - unless of course your breeding
good luck!

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah dude. I've switched the male back to veg with the rest and the pollen sacs appear to still be shut. He's about 800mm³ now and but I'm torturing his ass off in the corner with a 28w spiral and little water. I've been checking him with my loop every day so when they finally do crack I can harvest the initial bloom and turn him into sludge. I'll clone some branches later in flowering and breed them separately, long after dad has been blazed.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I got some decent pics last night but it takes way too long to upload.

I've got my DIY bubble cloner going. Its just two plastic drawers that I've sanded and sprayed. Cutting the holes was a bit of a bitch but the rest was freaking simple. Its got three different flavors, "Sturdy Sherbet" (My own tentatively named strain), "Dairy Berry", and "Super Lemon Haze". The SLH isn't doing too well so its going through intensive revival at the moment. Everything that is in my mother box has roots finally. One clone in there finally shot roots, 5 weeks after it was originally cut. The rest took between 7-14 days.

Pic 1."AB" in DWC bucket.
Pic 2. (back left) "SS", (front left) "AB", (mid back) "DB", (mid front) "AB", (right f/b) "AB".
Pic 3. Veg box. 9 x "AB", 2 x "DB", 2 x "SS", 1 x "SLH"
Pic 4. "Dairy Berry". Its rooting like mad. It reached the water over a week ago. I'm going to breed this girl with my male "AB" hopefully.



Well-Known Member
Whats up Rusty!? So you are breeding huh? What male is it? and ist it to the Amsterdam Bubblegum? I am currently growing some Indiana Bubblegum x aliendog right now and hopefully going to make some f2's.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
The male is Amsterdam Bubblegum. It was by far the biggest plant in the grow. I am planning on breeding the "AB" with my own strain ("SS"), the "DB", maybe the SLH and I'll also get some more AB seeds too if I have the room. I would love to get my hands the floja genetics. That strain looks mad.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha
i love a dude who take the piss, i might just fall in love with ya yet dude
i trust ya seen the cam girl thing

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
ha ha ha
i love a dude who take the piss, i might just fall in love with ya yet dude
i trust ya seen the cam girl thing
I only just realised you had a grow going. I'm only one week into flower but its a six week strain. When are you planning to harvest? I'm hoping for late August (27th).


Well-Known Member
yeah 6 weeks from now sounds like a good time
i better pre order my bmw and jet ski
i dont what else im gonna spend my 223 pounds im gonna pull on

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I desperately need to upgrade my system. My pots are wearing out, magnetic 400 watters are getting old and noisy (600w lumatec dig, bulbs, shades $1000) , I need 3 separate tents (flower, veg, breeding $1000), better fans and 2 carbon filters ($1200) and I also want to switch to House and Garden's line of nutrients ($600).


Well-Known Member
That roots excelerator is some great stuff from H&G. I have done quite a bit of research on canna vs H&G and canna is better if you are using tap water and H&G is better with RO water. I have also read that H&G's multizyme isnt as good as Canna's cannazym.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I love Cannazyme, but its 10 times more expensive per liter than H & G's multizyme due it its concentration. I've been using Canna for years but would like to see if H & G is better value. The guys at Wollongong Hydro are taking Canna off their shelves and replacing it with H & G. I think I might dabble with some of their additives before I shell out for the whole line though. RO is too impractical for me at the moment.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Slowly getting there. I moved things around again.
I pinched the two babies because they had it coming.
Now that everything has its roots in the water I don't need the irrigation as much. I might set it back up again next week sometime.



Well-Known Member
14 days and it looks like ya gonna have big tight buds dude
I like the tight nodes spacing too
good grow champ and 9 weeks ya gonna have some really frosty buds