Club 600


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the upcoming little yin Silver!! Awesome news.

The vert is the way to go if you have limited canopy space. I was using less lighting before, but in the same space was pulling around 10-12 oz maxed out. With the vertical my first was 22 oz!! It's just a no brainer, I have a 1.2m squared space (about 4 foot squared i think) but the canopy is double effectively. So yeh, for space limitations it's a great way to go.
Thank u..Im excited..nervous..scared..and anxious...about my son( yes! its a boy :) )
About a hour ago i jus dicovered a burnt ogk tip..smh..she is sooo sensitive..and it was a burn from the lights! thats jus one of the reason i wanna go vert..if all goes good i will have a vert tent and a horizontal tent..22 ounces made me almost cream my 4 sq feet..thats unreal i have about 8 sq feet of space so if i can pull 30-32 from that space (its gonna be a good christmas! :) ) but im gonna need some help on that setup
On the cover of the new ****times they have some wicked!! vertical grows u need 2 see it!!


Well-Known Member
Thank u..Im excited..nervous..scared..and anxious...about my son( yes! its a boy :) )
About a hour ago i jus dicovered a burnt ogk tip..smh..she is sooo sensitive..and it was a burn from the lights! thats jus one of the reason i wanna go vert..if all goes good i will have a vert tent and a horizontal tent..22 ounces made me almost cream my 4 sq feet..thats unreal i have about 8 sq feet of space so if i can pull 30-32 from that space (its gonna be a good christmas! :) ) but im gonna need some help on that setup
On the cover of the new ****times they have some wicked!! vertical grows u need 2 see it!!
I wasn't at full capacity with that grow either...or this one. I know I can get more in it's just setting it up correctly.

Any help you need with the set up let me know. I am thinking that at the end of this grow I will change the room so will also be providing some output I guess.

I will check the High Times, can you get it on line? I haven't bought the High Times for over 10 years now!

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Its a cool setup, but it doesnt utilize the space to the full potential....or even close to it. My space is capable of pulling 2+ pounds in a 5'x5' space. Thats with lower yielding strains in the mix. If I did a grow with something like critcial mass or casey jones then that number would go up quite a bit.



Well-Known Member
I agree... vert grows are the way to go. Can't wait to start my 2 level grow. Gonna be like that pic... only better, bwahahaha.

Heads up... hope the teeth went well.

D... Happy bday my friend. Same to you Hooked. It's a good bday when you are with friends (as you are here).

Glad to be back with you all. I got rid of some of my herb yesterday for a friend. Almost broke my heart to see it go... but more will be on the way.


Well-Known Member
1BMM bullshitting, surely not!!! hehe. I just started a, Exodus Blue Widow, will be the first Widow based weed I have grown. I kinda lost interest in White Widow a number of years ago when the strain just became to common. And really, as with most, the original strain is no longer available. Hope this is a good one though.

I hear you D. Alot of the mystery genes that peeps grow around my parts gets dubbed WW. Not sure im going to keep that one going yet or not. Want to make some room for these new strains. Guess it just depends on the smoke.


Well-Known Member
The ole branch snap test passed with flying colors. Time to cure this lot out in the mason jars.

Preliminary weigh in is not much. A lil over and OZ and a half. But what the hell Im ok with that. For her being a mother with hundreds of budsites she put out ok.

Going to go take a dragg. Got me a lil scissor hash to. Sprinkle Spinkle.



Well-Known Member
well ive been placed on probation for 2 years and although i have my medical card i guess you still cant smoke meds while on probation so i will no longer be on this site for awhile except mabye to lurk and update my veggie garden. peace to all and i hope every ones grows tun out great


Well-Known Member
well ive been placed on probation for 2 years and although i have my medical card i guess you still cant smoke meds while on probation so i will no longer be on this site for awhile except mabye to lurk and update my veggie garden. peace to all and i hope every ones grows tun out great
SHIT!!! sorry to hear that bro!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that Mcp. That just dont seem right. Your doctor says its your meds. Your probation officer says its a elicit drug. Man I hate probation officers. Good luck Mcp. I for one will still be here when you get off I hope. peace.


Well-Known Member
SHIT!!! sorry to hear that bro!
its all good i fucked up on y own and now i have to deal with it, but i am going to try to fight my use because it is legal to take script pain pills while on probations but i dont really like pills so im gonna try to take it to court


Well-Known Member
I got a question about pre harvest techniques. Ive been reading about putting the plants in total darkness for up to 2 weeks before harvest. Has anyone done this? I know DST you put your in dark for a few days. Whats the reasoning behind it? Peace 1bmm


Well-Known Member
I got a question about pre harvest techniques. Ive been reading about putting the plants in total darkness for up to 2 weeks before harvest. Has anyone done this? I know DST you put your in dark for a few days. Whats the reasoning behind it? Peace 1bmm
The plants create trichs in the dark period and supposedly a few days of darkness just before chop will make your buds more frosty but a few weeks sounds kinda crazy! I read an article awhile back explaining why this works but cant remember exactly what it said.. I practice the dark period thing but also dehydrate the plants just before. Ill do some searching to see if I can help with this.


Well-Known Member
McPurp. Sux bro. I'm feeling for you. I hate pills too. Fucking racket. This is the real reason it sucks MJ is sched I. Peeps who want it for meds can't use it.

1bmm... the thinking is this. It's been found that the highest resin production happens in the middle of the plants 'night'. So some people think if you give it a hell of a night (ie... 2 days of dark - 2 weeks of dark) the resin will be heavy when you harvest. Also some beleive the stress from the change in light cycle will force the plants to produce more as well. I think it might be something. I usually keep mine in no light for a day or two. Have no idea if it deos anything... but save on the elec bill, lol.


Well-Known Member
just a copy paste.

When the relative humidity in the garden is low, your resin production will increase. This is a natural response cannabis has to dry air, an attempt to protect itself from hot, dry conditions. Marijuana resin actually has one of the highest UV-resistance ratings in the plant kingdom. The resin reflects light, preventing the buds from getting sunburn. (This is also why it's so easy for helicopters to spot marijuana from the sky; it glows when seen through UV-sensitive equipment.)


Well-Known Member
well ive been placed on probation for 2 years and although i have my medical card i guess you still cant smoke meds while on probation so i will no longer be on this site for awhile except mabye to lurk and update my veggie garden. peace to all and i hope every ones grows tun out great
Fuck that shit man! WoW! How depressing! Taking medicine away from a needy patient is just wrong! Sorry to hear MC. In all honesty. I could completely quit smoking the herb, but I can't stop growing it. Let's just put it like this, if I had to quit smoking I would not quit growing.

Growing is my addiction..... :)

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
DST, I do believe you can get it online but there's nothing like holding that magazine in your hands. I hadn't read high times in years and last year I subscribed to it for a year. Yep, that's the one strictly seedless, september's issue. I generally get my issue about a month and a half before it hits the stands. Jigfresh, the teeth went, I mean a guy has a pair of pliers in my mouth, how well can it go? It was actually much better than the last visit to my pain dealer, I mean dentist. I think he hit me with more novacaine plus I got him to give me five more pain pills than he did last time. Last time he only gave me ten pills and I was in agony. I swear he was trying to pull my whole jawbone down and out through the hole my tooth made after it was gone and to make matters worse, the roof of my mouth was super tender from getting multiple shots in it...and it's good to have you back jig.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
mcpurple, fight it. You have an excellent point about pain pills being able to be consumed while on probation, why not your medication? You might even get lucky and set a legal would become famous.


Well-Known Member
Today i am chopping my durban Poison actually i am as we speak lol. She looks like shes gonna yield very very low There are tons of leaves but the buds arent big at all Ill have pictures in about 45 minutes when im done COMMENTS?????????