Filtered water from the fridge?


Okay I literally have the worst tap water in the country. Am I better off to use filtered water from the fridge. Does the filter remove bad stuff like chlorine or should I still let it sit open for atleast 24 hrs so that stuff can evaporate? Also what about good things like cal/mag or other nutes found in tap water? Can I use fridge water in less than 24 hrs in a pinch?


i would let the water sit out for 24 hrs. What i do is take the filtered water from the fridge, boil it, sit it out for 24 hrs with a oxygen bubbler going in it. so the water doesnt become stale or bad plus it oxidizes the water and thats good for the plants. if you are using nutes already you dont need any extra that your city wants to give you. i have used fridge water in a pinch, witin 24 hrs, but dont recommend it. IMO


Boil your water down in advance.Keep stocked up.
Perhaps Im missing something but why would you boil your water down unless you are condensing the vapor back into liquid? Boiling down would just increase the concentration of impurities in the water and make the problem worse as the disolved solids in the water dont boil off.

JRgreen. Not sure about how much the fridge filter will remove. It depends on the filter. Your best bet is to use a Reverse Osmosis machine if you can afford one. They generally run about 100 or more USD and will give you close to EC 0 water. If you do use one you will want to add a Cal/mag suppliment though.


i tell you what EVERY time i boil water i always get mineral deposits built up in the pot. so i KNOW all of those minerals are not going into the soil

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the water is evaporating the mineral are getting condensed you are putting a higher level in the soil after boiling


i tell you what EVERY time i boil water i always get mineral deposits built up in the pot. so i KNOW all of those minerals are not going into the soil
This is simple physics here. When you boil water, ONLY the water molecules evaporate. Anything in the water stays. Some and only some will stick to the sides of the pot as the water level gows down. But you are still increasing the concentration of disolved solids in the fluid. The idea is to make the water less hard, not more which is what is happening when you boil it down.


LOL so can you answer me one thing then.... so if i dont boil the water, the minerals that are usually the side and bottom of the pot(that i get out of the water), where do they go if they arent in the pot? they go to your plants right


Well-Known Member
But there's more water in the pot when you don't boil it. Therefore the concentration is lower. It's really a relationship between how much minerals are deposited vs how much water has escaped. If no water was evaporating but minerals were still stuck on the pot, then your thinking would be correct. But if you haven't had problems, then fuck it


Active Member
Filtered water is better than tap water, you should still let it sit for 24 hours if you can tho. And you don't need to boil it, it removes some harmful stuff but also kills off the stuff that bacteria will bind to. And it should be room temperature or a little warmer, it might shock ur plants if it's straight from the fridge


ok so i just did an experiment...
MY PPM OF HARD WATER WITHOUT BOILING(room temp) -----------220
MY PPM OF HARD WATER BOILED(after cooled to room temp) --------220
CONCLUSION the relationship between them is the same. the PPM did not INCREASE or DECREASE
i just like to disinfect my water just to make sure its clean. and i have never had a problem boiling my water. but thanks for trying to explain the info to me..... LIKE I SAID IMO


i was just saying.... IMO i like to boil my water, and i have never had a problem and it doesn't even raise (according to my tri-meter ) or lower the PPM. no one had to get their panties in a twist about it lol


WOW i have heard of people with water that high, what do you do for watering your seedlings? do you have an osmosis machine or do you just buy the water?


Well-Known Member
catch rain water and buy for now , not everyone is lucky enough to have decent water from the tap
Ah, this is so true. A lot of people think that all tapwater is basically created equal. Well, it's not. Most will work just fine for growing, but a small percentage of us have water that is not suitable. For those of us with shitty tapwater, reverse osmosis is our friend.:weed: