White Widow My First Grow


Well-Known Member
ok dude well I harvested mine and one thing for sure, depending on your nug size it takes at least a week to ten days to dry. dont do the whole plant. First take off the big leaves, then trim the small ones. Take branches off the main stem at the base. Once trimmed hang them upside down in a dark closet, I put a small fan to move the air around in there. So hang them until you can snap one of the stems. Then I put them in a brown paper bag for two days. Then I put them in masons jars, you can totally smoke it right at this point, but better things come to those who wait. I get about 40 % of my yield and keep it locked away in the dark for at least a month and a half. use the other 60 % to do what you want. either put it away or smoke it. I recommend at least two weeks though. Just take a couple nice nugs out and put everythuig else away...Good luck. I got 9 masons jars full of nugs from my three plants GOOD LUCK. One of my nugs was 27 grams..
Happy new year everyone!! Only 1.5 weeks till harvest I'm looking forward to it. I have been reading the faq section on harvesting and curing and have not decided the propor way of doing it. It says cut off branches and let dry for 3-7 days and somwhere else it says hang the whole plant for 3-4 weeks. Which is it??? I want good tasting buds but I dont wanna wait another month to smoke it. I dunno........


Well-Known Member
ay do u think 5 w/w plants will fit like the 5 pattern like the dice symbol in a 3x3 area? and..dude, whats the avg diameter of one plant comfortably? 1 1/2 ft around? 2 maybe? and how tall are they, and how tall where they when u triggered em(12/12)????!!!??? thanks!


Active Member
looks like everythings a sucsess!!time to flush and harvest,yes its true theres yet the 6-8 week curing cycle left.everyones differs,i like to cut every single leaf off to the bone with a pair of fine scissors then chop her down,hang upside down 3 days 4 max,cut up coalas,put in brown papper bag 100% recycl 10 -14 days starting with a couple folds from top and a new one from day to day till buds are almost squshed,not done yet last step,mason jars take all tops letting them sit for 30 to 40 days,the other scraps should hold you off till then enjoy!how much is harvest looking like and are we moving up i see 12 clones now?


Well-Known Member
Well thanks guys!! I would say around 2' diameter sounds about right, They were between 17"and 19" when I flipped to 12/12 and are still only 20"-22" tall. Thanks for looking and thanks for your advise guys. I'll keep posting updates. Only 8 days till harvest!!


Well-Known Member
thats what im F-in talking about yo! gotta tell us your yeild, oz to plant ratio man!! imma throw a guess out there, 3 oz to plant! i called it, holla back younginzZz!!!


Well-Known Member
Only 1 week to go!! I gave the girls a good flush this morning and I noticed that the buds are starting to turn purple. Looks pretty cool. the buds are getting fatter every day the crystals are coating the buds and the leaves they look sooooo sweet I wanna smoke it now!! here they are let me know what you all think!!



Well-Known Member
dang ratty....it freakin' snowed! how f*ckin amazing is that!! those are awesome...I like the first and second last pics the most. thanks man! GR8 update! ..one more week...then the drying and curing....go job man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tahoe!! I cant believe they have turned out this good. I dont think I'm gonna be dissapointed for my first time. It should do the trick. thanks again


Well-Known Member
Those pics are excellent as always.
Loads of crystals.
I hope my new breed has that many trics on it:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
nice plant,,those are some awesome friggin photo's Ratty,,wow,,all I can say is HoLE-EEEEEeeeee *@%$

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Those pics are excellent as always.
Loads of crystals.
I hope my new breed has that many trics on it:blsmoke:
Thanks Nat. Whats your new bread?

nice plant,,those are some awesome friggin photo's Ratty,,wow,,all I can say is HoLE-EEEEEeeeee *@%$

Keep on Growin

Thanks hole its good to know people like my pics. It takes some patience to get good close ups like that. 1 in like 10 pics turns out good the rest suck. Its hard to hold that still, the slightest movment and its outta focus.
thanks for stopping by


Well-Known Member
omg.... Its gotta be tough to try and not pinch a lil bud, you know??, just a lil sample...
Those are lookin sooooo good man... so good!!!



Well-Known Member
like your pictures? dude, they make us drool. I thank you for the dedication to post them in your journal. I like the third pic with the amber trics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nat. Whats your new bread?
Its pppxblueberryxmyownsativa.
Is looking good so far.
If you wanted to have a snoop at it click on my sig links,tinyurls,its the top link,the other one goes to my music page.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Looking great Ratty...Nice work, now for step 43..LOL, dry, cure, smoke..I hope they bring you some relief....


New Member
hey ratty...beautiful plants...I just ordered some ww seeds I hope mine end up as nice as yours dude...