To top or tie?

A sativa plant is outgrowing the cover plant that it was planted behind for stealth reasons. It has just started flowering, and I need to find a way to shorten the plant up so that it isn't visible behind the cover plant.

Is it more stressful to the plant to be trimmed up (cut down several nodes) during flowering or to be tied down for the first time during flowering? Obviously, it would have been better to do one or the other earlier in veg, but it's too late for that now.



Well-Known Member
Tie it but don't brake like the man above said it it's low stress and topping would be high stress I tied mine and it worked out grate the growing never stoped so I say tie also


Active Member
tie it a little bit after you water so it will be well hydrated and less chance of a snap... thats what i do anyway


Well-Known Member
I've got the same problem. Outgrowing the fence in flowering. Problem is, I pinched the tops in veggy and I've got 6 colas to deal with. Dont wont to top, and afraid to tie down. Cant risk breaking it. Any ideas?


I would also agree to tie, but maybe get a bit more creative like put a pole in the ground and tie the plant sort of bow and arrow style with just enough bend to conceal but not to breaking point just an idea hope it helps


Well-Known Member
I tie mine down - have never had any problem with stems breaking, and every branch reaches for the sky, makes like the main cola.


Active Member
just bend it over and tie it to a fence, or stake in the ground, you shouldn't have a problem with it snapping if you go gentle.


Well-Known Member
I just bent the top colas over without breaking thew stem. Will this work? Hopefully that will slow down the vertical growth a little bit. Didn't want to lose the cola by topping, and too afraid to tie down. This is my biggest girl yet.