Hash oil from ONLY stems



I dug up a question on a post from a few years back https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/736-cooking-how-make-cannabis-cooking.html , the question was asked whether THC extractions worked with stems...

Awesome recipie for the oil. Just wondering, are stems good for extracting resin from at all?

I did an experiment where I saved up all my stems over the course of a year, I gathered about 6 grams of stems. (Mind you 6g is ALOT of stems for a non grower :P). I created an extract oil with it using a ratio of 3 oz of stems for every 1 oz of ever clear. (Taken from any standard oil extraction recipe of 1 oz of bud: 1 oz of everclear, I simply adjusted the ratio to account for THC differences)
6.0g on the dot

I then used a mortar and pestle to grind the stems into a fine powder and I added that to the everclear and let it sit for one week in a small 1 pt jar. I then simmered the oil in a pan until all the alcohol evaporated (use extreme caution alcohol fumes are flammable). When its done you should have a thick green liquid almost boiled down to nothing. I had a very very very small amount of oil, which was suprising since it took me a year of heavy smoking to get this many stems.

I made a spoon from aluminum foil and poured a few drops in and held it over a candle flame. Just grab a straw and suck when you start to see the little white vapors form. Me and a friend smoked almost all the oil in one session and I got higher than I have ever been, so in the long run...

"YES you can do very potent THC extractions from purely stems, however, you must account for the differing levels of THC in the stems compared to the buds. "


Well-Known Member
So you're smoking mashed up stem powder? You didn't separate plant material from oil?

Please tell me I missed a step in reading... if not, then that's gross.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I sure hope you filtered the mix before you simmered it down to oil.ha BTW, how did it smell boiling it down


Active Member
sounds cool i have about 17 grams of seeds and stems, Im thinking about trying it with that. Unless anyone ells thinks there is a better thing to do with 17g's of seeds and stems. haha


So you're smoking mashed up stem powder? You didn't separate plant material from oil?

Please tell me I missed a step in reading... if not, then that's gross.

oops soory no i definatly ran it through a coffee strainer and squeezed it out real good before i boiled it down.

sounds cool i have about 17 grams of seeds and stems, Im thinking about trying it with that. Unless anyone ells thinks there is a better thing to do with 17g's of seeds and stems. haha

seeds are good for one thing only and thats planting! lol

Yeah I sure hope you filtered the mix before you simmered it down to oil.ha BTW, how did it smell boiling it down

The smell was not as bad as you would expect. There was a noticeable, pungeant smell of everclear and an herb smell to go with it, but it didn't stink up my house or anything along those lines.

Now i have created thc oil from vegetable oil before, and that was pretty smelly. But that is so much easier and faster than making butter, its the best method (imho) to cook thc into foods like brownies, muffins, cakes, etc.