56" x 56" tent lighting choice


Well-Known Member
1000watter is twice as hot as 600watter. i think 1000 will be to hard to cool. you would have to have the tent in a room with great ac to attempt a 1000watter


Well-Known Member
56" is 4'8" not about 6'

A 1000W will cover about 20 sq ft.

6 inch inline vortex fan with cooltube for light. One that costs 100+, not a cheapo from the depot.

another exhaust fan for the tent.
I'm really confused (don't take much) about the 600w vs 1000w thing.
If a 1000w covers 20 sq ft....thats only a 4' x 5".
So this 5' x 5' tent would, using that logic, almost be a little big and it seems that that would be way to much area for a 600w.
Someone straighten me out here. I'm going to the store and grab a beer.

Thanks ya'll.


Well-Known Member
I'm really confused (don't take much) about the 600w vs 1000w thing.
If a 1000w covers 20 sq ft....thats only a 4' x 5".
So this 5' x 5' tent would, using that logic, almost be a little big and it seems that that would be way to much area for a 600w.
Someone straighten me out here. I'm going to the store and grab a beer.

Thanks ya'll.
Nothing to straighten out. 5'x5' would be big for a 600w


Well-Known Member
you can never have to much light only to much heat. the 600 will work and you will get good weed exspeacaily if you take the time to keep the light as close as possible. 1000 watter is optimal but its very hot and with out enough cooling you wont be able to get the light close enough to take advantage of the power. a 600 watter 6 inches from plant is better than a 1000 watter a foot away. there is a chart and math that exsplains it.


Well-Known Member
I just bought me a 6x6ft tent $169.... a charcaol filter 9 x 20 inches with a 440 cfm fan $200 ..... using a 1000 watt MH with 4ft parabolic hood:hump:



Well-Known Member
I just bought me a 6x6ft tent.... a charcaol filter with a 440 cfm fan cost $360 for everything got a 1000 watter with 4ft parabolic hood:hump:
nice, lets us know what you temps are in the tent with lights and fans on along with temp of the room the tent is in so we can help this guy out


Well-Known Member
well... I got 4-1000 mhs going in a 12x12 room with 850 cfm can filter system.... close the door and I run about 5-8* hotter than ambient temperature of the house

Bought a 32x 32x 63 inch tent and a 190 cfm fan for my nephew.... he uses a 400 watt mh and it stays in the 80s when its the 70s in the house


Active Member
I'm really confused (don't take much) about the 600w vs 1000w thing.
If a 1000w covers 20 sq ft....thats only a 4' x 5".
So this 5' x 5' tent would, using that logic, almost be a little big and it seems that that would be way to much area for a 600w.
Someone straighten me out here. I'm going to the store and grab a beer.

Thanks ya'll.
600 watt to cover a max of 3'x3', in your situation if you wanna run 6 hundos you should get two, and you'd be juiced. 5x5 tent using 1 light? no question, get the thousand watt. if the budget allows, grab a magnum xxxl air cooled hood w/ 8" flanges,or one of those even bigger hoods; the raptors by hydrofarm- again air cooled 8 " flanges,they're awesome. now onto cooling...get an 8" Max Fan(i can speak first hand for max fan being an excellent equipment line!). plug that thing in a you can float a beachball on top of it with perfect balance- thats steady airflow! attach and secure Max Fan to can filter of equal cfm capacity, making the fan and filter now 1 unit (for 8" max fan i believe you need around the "can filter 100" but you should double check the specifics.). okay back to the tent and on with cooling. on the opposite side you choose to hang your filter/fan combo in the tent, install 8" hard ducting thru the mid wall tent port, might want another carbon filter to attach this ducting into outside of tent,by using additional filter(but no fan) for intake- your now sucking in fresh but also clean air once the exhaust fan/filter is connected and running, this is your passive cool air intake. hang your filter/fan combo from the cieling(opposite side of cool air intake)and attach fan (already mounted and secured to carbon filter) to your light flange using no more ducting than you will need for light height adjustments. secure all connections with clamps. attach ducting to other light flange and send hot air clear out of the area(preferably outside)you will need at least 1 oscillator fan of 8" diameter at least, i go with 2 in a 5x5 running 1k watter. in 5x5 growlab tent, using the exact set up i described, i am able to keep my temps around 77f-81f , 8 inches under the bulb. also you may need to run some a/c, i keep ambient room temperatures outside tent around 74-76f at all times.


Active Member
sorry if that made no sense, taking some super silver haze snaps out of the binger- got me wrecked lol! good luck