no diagnosis needed,just complaints!


Well-Known Member
Take it easy dude.
It really sucks that your cat ate your plant... LOL :weed:

You should be more careful as to allowing your pets/anything other than yourself, access to your grow area.

Animals, aside from eating plants do have interaction with the outdoors, and can harbour pests, dropping them where your plants are (assuming you grow indoor).




thanks for your suggestions.:hug:
in fact, i've never heard about the pest things before,
kept in mind.

Take it easy dude.
It really sucks that your cat ate your plant... LOL :weed:

You should be more careful as to allowing your pets/anything other than yourself, access to your grow area.

Animals, aside from eating plants do have interaction with the outdoors, and can harbour pests, dropping them where your plants are (assuming you grow indoor).




Well-Known Member
My cat has done that several times, always takes the whole top and moves on to the next. Last time she got 4 autoflower seedlings before I noticed her. I learned to keep seedlings in a safe place.


Active Member
My dog ate 1 of my plants. It was up to 7 nodes, when he was done there was only 3 blades left on it. 3 months later its my 2nd largest plant with a massive stem.