Help with my trees ! Bug or something else ??


Well-Known Member
A few of my plants are starting to exhibit strange leaf cupping and burning I think. I have no idea what this is, I have never seen it before. Plants are all being fed the same through a syphon mixer and getting nutes every other watering. Hoping somoene has seen this before. Stems are all nice and green no signs of lockup to my eyes. I only water once they start reading dry to very dry on my moisture meter which is usually every couple days. Really strange is the bottom half of the Cheese is just fine. Could this be a bug of some sort or disease? What should I do? Dont want it spreading to other plants. I have just started see a little similar on a nearby Blue Dream but not nearly as advanced. This just started maybe a week to 10 days ago but last few days has gotten much more pronouced.

Cheese Leaf

Here is the bottom of the same plant which looks 100% normal to me.

Here is an over all shot of the top portion of plant. Doesnt look to good to me.

Lastly here is an Agent Orange. Leaves are a little different but look a little strange as well. See how they are all cupped and contorted ?

Appreciate any help or advise you can give.


Well-Known Member
i have already answered one of your duplicate posts.

Not going answer this one aswell.



Well-Known Member
thats a sativa for you. they do just that every time i grew sativa strains,,

Interesting. Even like the tops pics where the center of the leaf is burned looking? My Indicas dont have this at all. My other Blue Dreams dont either. Mainly this one Cheese.


Active Member
sativas are a bit more finicky than indicas. Looks like a ph or maby a mag def. Next watering i would give them some cal mag and make sure to ph it. Also would be beneficial to take soil samples and test the ph. Hope this helps.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The white specs on the leaf in your first picture is most definitely the borg. Congrats, you've got spidermites. The good/bad news is that this isn't an advanced enough infestation to cause serious damage to your plants. Spidermite damage doesn't look like that (unfortunately, I know all about spidermite damage.) So in addition to spidermites you've got other issues.

good luck with that!


Active Member
Spider mites correct. Also the serated leaf tips sticking up like that is saying they have enough nutes, so relax on the nutes. When the side tips stick up like that they are very happy, dont over do it or youll burn them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Yeah been meaning to hit them with a round of floramite. So Indicas can take more nutes then sativas? I did not know this if it is true. Testing PH on the run off is going to be a little tough on these bt I will try. Put some domolite on all of them a week or two ago.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Yeah been meaning to hit them with a round of floramite.
Please don't. They've just started flowering and someone will smoke those flowers some day. Floramite is not food safe. If you do this then everyone who smokes your shit will be ingesting a small amount of poison. Do you really want that?

Floramite/avid should really only be used on vegging plants or spraying down a room after a cycle.

Hit them with oils. They are food safe so they won't harm the people smoking your shit. Go to GNC and get some rosemary oil and make a 2% solution. Spray every other day for about 6 days. After that spray them very well with azamax/azatrol (also food safe) making sure to get the undersides of your leaves. That will leave a protective coating that'll last 1-2 months. This should take care of the problem.

So Indicas can take more nutes then sativas?
Depends on the strain. I've got a kush strain that likes more ppms than any sativa I have.


Well-Known Member
I dont use Flora ite unless there is a good 4+ weeks left at which time it is supposed to be gone from the plant. I will look into those other products you mentioned however. Thank you