plz help me improve my little grow


Active Member
Hello everyone. I have two auto's that just started flowering about a week ago, along with one red diesel thats been vegging for about a month now.

Im using 150 watt hps for the two auto's, and im planning on using that for there entire flowering period. For the red diesel, im using one 68 watt cfl. Im planning on making 6 clones(never done clones before) and as soon as the auto's are done, im going to flower the 6 clones. I will probably move the mother into another room and make more clones, not really sure, but im also going to buy 2 more 150 watt hps systems, giving me a total of 450 watts, and put each light on 2 plants, all side by side.

Im using FFOF soil and fox farm nutes(trio pack). Using distilled water, just added nuted a week ago actually and the auto's doubled in size in about 2 days. There growing so fast i cant believe it.

Im wondering what i can do to improve my grow, and wont cost me too much $$$. For example, i wanted to add some sort of reflectant to the wall, can i use white plasic trash bags that i already have? would that be better than nothing? Should i move the lights closer to wall so that it reflects more off the wall? Or should i keep it about a foot away from the wall to maybe give more airflow? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, and if anyone cares i can give updates on my babies :lol: th

ank you for your time


Active Member
i have the same question check out my album pics
are you using a 400 watt light? I think i would lower your light a little bit if i were you. Get those babies as close together as possible and put the light just close enough so they dont get burned. And i think its better to move it in a corner or close to a wall to get better reflection? But im still trying to get advice on that.


Active Member
Use some mylar on the walls.
thnx for your reply grizzdude. Im looking for a way to improve my grow room, but am a little strapped for cash. Mylar would be great, but way too much money for me right now. Thats why i mentioned the white plastic trash bags. I have some of those and thoguth it would work better than my cream colored wall.


Well-Known Member
flat white reflective paint, and go to walmart and get a fan on the actual plants.

a small 8 or 9" fan will only cost about 5-10 bucks.... it's summer, walmart has fans stocked and ready......


New Member
Looking good.

Yeah just hang a white sheet up or a something reflective.

Those white garbage bags will help out.


Active Member
flat white reflective paint, and go to walmart and get a fan on the actual plants.

a small 8 or 9" fan will only cost about 5-10 bucks.... it's summer, walmart has fans stocked and ready......
i just so happen to have another fan thats a little bigger than the one i have in there. ill go ahead and put both fans in there. Unfortunately i cant paint the walls. im in an apartment and that would be way too much hastle to have to repaint it the same color when i leave. thnx for your reply though
Looking good.

Yeah just hang a white sheet up or a something reflective.

Those white garbage bags will help out.
hey thnx alot Rtoke. Yeah i think ill go ahead and put some white trash bags up there. But do you think its better to have the plants closer to the wall for more reflection, or to have it not so close to the wall for air?


Active Member
im surprised no1 mentioned anything about my new bowl. its suppose to be the latest thing. it has spring action to emty the bowl =)


New Member
Mean bowl !!! aha.

i would keep them were they are. just put trash bags all round so it turns into a tent thing just leave a gap for the fan tho.

You don't need trash bags on top just round the sides



Active Member
thnx for your reply grizzdude. Im looking for a way to improve my grow room, but am a little strapped for cash. Mylar would be great, but way too much money for me right now. Thats why i mentioned the white plastic trash bags. I have some of those and thoguth it would work better than my cream colored wall.
Look for the space blankets at a camping or sporting goods store. I find them for $3-4 each. They are just Mylar sheets that are reflective on one side but are way cheaper than the rolls.


Active Member
Mean bowl !!! aha.

i would keep them were they are. just put trash bags all round so it turns into a tent thing just leave a gap for the fan tho.

You don't need trash bags on top just round the sides

lol thnx again Rtoke! Ok yeah ill just leave them where they are. I just added another fan there too, which leads me to thinking....When i start using 450 watts hps (three 150 watt systems) do i need to be concerned about tripping a breaker lol? i think i prob should be concerned with that. It would be no prob to get a cord and run in to another outlet. Right now i have all this stuff plugged into my timer: 150 watt hps with ballast connected to light, one 68 watt cfl, 2 fans and not sure the wattage. both ocillating fans, one looks bigger than a 12", maybe its a 15", and the other i think is a 9". Its also in the laundry room so i think its on a breaker of its own, i hope. Also keep in mind i plan on adding two more 150 watt hps's. Does that sound like too much juice for the one plug?


Active Member
Look for the space blankets at a camping or sporting goods store. I find them for $3-4 each. They are just Mylar sheets that are reflective on one side but are way cheaper than the rolls.
ahh ive heard of this stuff. i wonder if it really does works as good as mylar, and if it does then idk why anyone would want to buy mylar


New Member
I don't really do indoors grows but u need a ballast for each hps that you have and plug the ballast into there own wall plug so it wont blow a fuze.

I blow fuzes in my house just buy the toaster f**king up. ahah


Well-Known Member
Bro, in my opinion you should just upgrade to a 600 hps. It will cut out the need for adding mylar or painting. Other then lighting I highly recommend Advanced Nutes Carbo load. It will fatten the shit out of your plants I promise. Its very cheap and its like feeding ur plants Fast food(they get fat!)


Active Member
Bro, in my opinion you should just upgrade to a 600 hps. It will cut out the need for adding mylar or painting. Other then lighting I highly recommend Advanced Nutes Carbo load. It will fatten the shit out of your plants I promise. Its very cheap and its like feeding ur plants Fast food(they get fat!)
Hi drewabu. Thanks for the comment. Im still kinda new at this, but i think 600 watt would be out of my budget for the monthly bill. Plus i already have the 150 watt, i figure ill just buy 2 more for a total of 450 watt, andkinda spread the light out and do a sog. thats kinda what ive been invisioning. Im also using fox farm nutes and i thought they were suppose to be kick ass. But if you think advance nutes is way better, i might consider getting some =)
Without a reflector, your not getting all 68 watts to the plant.

Not sure if anyone has done this... but I have been eying a 32 qt stainless mixing bowl at the warehouse club for $10.
Exellent point Dinosaur Bone. I didnt even think of that. That will give me a new project. i will start making a reflector tomorrow thnx!


Well-Known Member
I dont know were your from but my 1000w Hps runs me about $112 extra a month in electric bill. The diff you will see in your yield might be worth it though. a 600w might increase yield by 25-40%. And yes Advanced is far better, Ive used fox farm its a good line, but let me tell you my local hydro shop put me on Carbo load, B-52, Overdrive, and Voedoo juice. All advanced products and my yields almost doubled. I use a very simple soil grow in a 4x4 room w/1000w hps.