Grandaddy purp outdoor grow pics!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hope he didn't tell anyone else! Also why give him three? I would have given him 5 across the eyes! I would move them right now, then take back the three you gave him! LOL


Well-Known Member
ya true guys i know what you all think and dont worry i will move them and just water the ones in the ground at that plot i will get those 3 back also lol but i will take the 3 back when there close to harvest because if i do before then its all down the drain. did i have much of a choice beat him he calls the cops they stake out my site that would solve nothing this way he thinks hes getting some weed out of the deal then i will jack it before harvest bamn done and never grow in that area again! btw its getting really sketchy lol never had these close of calls before!


Well-Known Member
ya true guys i know what you all think and dont worry i will move them and just water the ones in the ground at that plot i will get those 3 back also lol but i will take the 3 back when there close to harvest because if i do before then its all down the drain.
thats a good idea... you chew cope???


Well-Known Member
ya and grizzle green i found a can i through in the woods when i was trying to quit and gave it to the thief trying to kiss his ass to pull this harvest off!


Well-Known Member
ya and grizzle green i found a can i through in the woods when i was trying to quit and gave it to the thief trying to kiss his ass to pull this harvest off!
funny shit... i chew skoal pouches... tryin to quit as well... its f'in hard bro... what parts around norcal are ya at???


Well-Known Member
Im not remote not my land and camp isnt really buzzing around my area much.
Shit bro, i dont know what to tell ya... this just sucks... i guess you can just hope for the best... not sure... ill think about it and if i come up with some ideas ill let you know...
plus if your in 707, i dont think the po are gonna fuck with you unless its super obvious...


Well-Known Member
ya im in 707 and i delete all my inbox messages. i think i will wait a day just to see if anything happened the work stake it out tommorow.