Complete and utter NONSENSE. Yes, the glass will absorb a MINUTE amount of the light passing through it. But a mirror reflects FAR more light overall than a piece of white painted whatever, something like 98% of the incident light.
This is why you shave in a mirror and not a piece of white paint.
Where on Earth do these Old Wives´Tales come from????
So please, carry on using mirrors.
Wow the ignorance of this post is incredible. It's not a wive's tale, its called science.
Mirrors are heat generators when it comes to light reflection. And the reflected light is non-benefitial to plants. Take baseball for example,
When a pitcher throws the ball and it is hit with the bat, the speed of the ball is doubled when its hit. A 90mph fastball = 180mph after direct contact.
The same princible works with lights and mirrors. When light is directed at a mirror, the reflection is amplyfied. What happens is you end up burning plants up. Same thing when you burn ants with a magnifying glass. Light + glass = amyplified heat. And no sorry, fans won't prevent the slighest bit of heat when it comes to magnified light.
Besides the fact that its scientifically stupid to try and grow with mirrors, its just stupid all around. First of all mirrors are thick, heavy, fragile, and severely limit your indoor grow options. You can't just "cut" a fan hole in a mirror. You' cant adjust or make changes to accompany your grow box dimensions. Mirrors are insanely difficult to work with.
This is why we use pure white paints and mylar. We get maximum reflectivity with no reflective-light heat amplification.
So spanish, make a 5x5x5 box lined with mirrors, get like a 600W HPS inside of it, and lets see how well you can grow. I bet your house sets on fire before you even get a sprout. Because im sure someone of your great intelligence knows what happens to glass when its exposed to heat spots for a prolonged period of time.