Tips on Flushing


It's been suggested that I flush due to possible nute burn. I'm in the second week of 12/12, and my plant hasn't yet shown signs of M/F. I haven't flushed before, and I would really appreciate some tips so that I don't screw anything up.

Outdoor plant / most recent pics can be found at this thread: (

My initial research on the issue led me to believe that I needed rocks of some sort to do this correctly. Then, of course, I read this: "instead of watering your plants with nutes, you water them as you would regularly - just with out nutes." I also read that "drench the soil thoroughly then wait about 15 mins to add more water this gives the unwanted salts time to disolve..."

So, can I just give it alot of water, let the water drip out the bottom, and essentially keep doing it 2-3 times? I have a 12" pot with a "lip at the bottom for feeding / disposint of excess water.

Thanks peeps.


Well-Known Member
That is exactly how you flush. At least three times the water that your pot will hold. If it is a 3 gallon pot, use 9 gals... Just a rule of thumb.


That is exactly how you flush. At least three times the water that your pot will hold. If it is a 3 gallon pot, use 9 gals... Just a rule of thumb.
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm wondering: doesn't this process (and the amount of water that I use) wind up shocking the plant in some way?


Oh yea..

Considering this is an outdoor plant and it's currently on a 12/12 stage, would it be better for me to do this in the morning, so that the plant can sit out in the sun all day after the flush?


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm wondering: doesn't this process (and the amount of water that I use) wind up shocking the plant in some way?
Not if you have a good soil mix then you cant over water your plants - Slight shock from excess water = a tempoary set back - Untreated nute burn = no plants

If you pour water 3 times the volumn of pot like serapis said they should recover - You should then start back on 1/4 dose nutes the following watering


Not if you have a good soil mix then you cant over water your plants - Slight shock from excess water = a tempoary set back - Untreated nute burn = no plants

If you pour water 3 times the volumn of pot like serapis said they should recover - You should then start back on 1/4 dose nutes the following watering
Easter: Thanks. The soil is some bag of Miraclegrow potting soil I bought from Walmart. Seemed like the best one they had, what do I know. I didn't know anything at the time.


Active Member
Easter: Thanks. The soil is some bag of Miraclegrow potting soil I bought from Walmart. Seemed like the best one they had, what do I know. I didn't know anything at the time.
I would think the miraclegrow soil is your issue - My sensi star is sensitve to nutes and my potting soil had 5 weeks feed in it like your but i burned the shit out of it and she aint looking too good today