ppm question?


Well-Known Member
well i hear alot of peepz say u need alot of ppm the bigger they get well my plants are just over 2 feet tall, & if i go over 600ppm we start 2 get burning. now is it normal 2 get a little burn that means your right at the thresh hold?

also do diff breeds take nuts diffrent. we dont have anything special maybe thats why we cant go so high on the ppm


Well-Known Member
well dont know but 3 are of the same shape & 1 is diffrent u tell me?
one had bigger leaves than the other 3


just some guy
those plants are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I cant even tell you how jealous I am. I have been doing everything that I think I'm supposed to do, and my plants look like shit.

yours are georgeous, I'm jealous.

check out mine....


to top it all off and make it worse... check out the plant that was my first sprout... it's the same age as the last two plants that I just posted... I call it the "palm tree", I figured it was SURE to die, but it has new growth, miraculous!



Well-Known Member
ya i have 2 give most the credit to my buddy we grow at his house but do the internet from mine ( safer that way) but im always over thier working .

but we are on our first grow so its going okay.
looks like u have alot of deposit around your plants. whay your ppm at? should be around 200ppm


just some guy
ya i have 2 give most the credit to my buddy we grow at his house but do the internet from mine ( safer that way) but im always over thier working .

but we are on our first grow so its going okay.
looks like u have alot of deposit around your plants. whay your ppm at? should be around 200ppm

you and y our buddy are doing something right, because your plants are very good looking.

My PPM is at 600, but I must have some sort of nutrient lock, because the ppm stays the same, my plants dont seem to be eating the nutes!

They are growing, but the PPM stays the same.

i am definately doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
you and y our buddy are doing something right, because your plants are very good looking.

My PPM is at 600, but I must have some sort of nutrient lock, because the ppm stays the same, my plants dont seem to be eating the nutes!

They are growing, but the PPM stays the same.

i am definately doing something wrong.
I'm growing Satori as well. What has your PH been? Have you maintained a 5.7 - 5.9 level throughout? Also, what nutes are you using and have you been flushing? I saw what looked to be like a salt buildup in your pics. That will definitely burn them.


Well-Known Member
your ppm is way 2 high i just now got mine up around 600 but still betting some burn u need 2 go down 2 about 200-300ppm for shure


just some guy
I'm growing Satori as well. What has your PH been? Have you maintained a 5.7 - 5.9 level throughout? Also, what nutes are you using and have you been flushing? I saw what looked to be like a salt buildup in your pics. That will definitely burn them.
I've "tried" to maintain a level of 5.5 - 5.9, it's gotten as high as 6.2 though before I corrected it. I am using Fox Farm nutrients at about half strength.

I change the water about every 10 days, with Reverse Osmosis water. I dont really "flush" with straight water, because as I understood it, you're supposed to adjust the PH after you add nutrients. I'm trying to get a handle on what I'm doing wrong, my PPM level stays the same, I need to get this figured out, and I'm pretty sure the solution will be spending a benjamin at the hydro shop for some barricade, clearex..etc.

your ppm is way 2 high i just now got mine up around 600 but still betting some burn u need 2 go down 2 about 200-300ppm for shure
My nutes are at half strength, but I will change out the water and lower the PPM to around 300, and hopefully the plants will start eating! :neutral:


Well-Known Member
i was lower than 1/4 at firsst cause i was getting burnt up, deff not good for little buys when their so small. just went 2 half strenght at week 6


Well-Known Member
I may be able to help. Although many would disagree I keep my nute strength (GH 3 part) at 200ppm for the first 2 weeks. I change solution every week religiously. I maintain 5.8ph and do not use RO water.

As a side note....I highly suggest that if you're using tap water you let it sit for 2-3 days BEFORE correcting ph and adding nutes. Originally I'd fill a resevoir (For me, water straight out of the tap is about 7.0.), add the nutes, adjust the PH and fill the containers. Then I'd spend the next 2 days adjusting the PH thinking that the rising PH had to do with the plants. Not so.I guess it had to stabilize. NOW, as I said...I let it sit for 3 days after getting it out of the tap and before draining/filling. THEN I add nutes, adjust the PH and change the solution. This is what they look like 8 days after sprouting.

Lastly...Solution strength is dependant on several things.NOBODY can tell you the 800 or 1000 or 1500 is a good number. Start low and you won't hurt them. Start high and you're in trouble. Here's an easy way to think of it. If you measure ppm today and it's 600, then you measure it tomorrow and it's 500, your plants are using more nutes than water and you can go a LITTLE higher on the next mix. If the PPM is 600 today and 700 tomorrow the plants are using more water than nutes and you should dilute the solution.

The pic below is 8 days after sprouting under 800w of MH and 200ppm at 5.8.

Good luck!

