400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude


Well-Known Member
what you gonna do with jtr x mbs (bastard jack) pollen? my bj came out the best this harvest, but all my indica doms got pm.


Well-Known Member
I tossed the JTR's, i wanted to save one but i had no where to put him.
I didnt want him and the HH's pollen both flying around. Cause if anything else got pollinated that i didn't i'll kno what it is, and i would hate for a branch to get pollinated by the JTR and me think that its a HH.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i updated a couple pages back, like a week ago i think, gonna have new pics up this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the lack of updates, i have been trying to wake up early enough to take pics since Monday lol


Well-Known Member
How long did you veg the tallest party cup you got going?
She was vegged as long as the rest of the plants, she was one of the plants i was going to transplant into a gallon pot but she had a slow start so i kept her in the party cup, now she's all grown up and looking great. She is taller then most the plants i have in the gallon pots ;)


Well-Known Member
Hopefully tomorrow haha, they're filling in nicely, tomorrow will be 3 weeks of 12/12 and Saturday will be 2 weeks since i confirmed all my females.


Well-Known Member
Whats good all?

Been a good minuet since i updated. Things are going well, buds are forming, so all is good. Today is 3 weeks since 12/12, Sunday will be 2 weeks since they were all confirmed females.
I collected my Holland Hope's pollen, got it in a mason jar ready to be used. It seems i got a lil accidental pollination, not much, but every plant has at least one or two seeds on it lol. The main reason i didnt keep the JTR going cause now i would have no idea who pollinated who. But its all good, like i said its not much at all so i got lucky, but im still going to be doing my own selective pollination. So i will have HH X SCxNL, HH X JHxSLxHJ, and HH x MBS.

My fucking video wont upload right on youtube, so ima have to take another one tomorrow :cuss:

Here are my second round of clones i did.
I got 5/6 this time, would have been 6/6 but i let my homie clone a couple and the one that didnt make it was one that he took lol. I used Clonex Rooting Gel, got roots both times in about 8-9 days.
I transplanted 3 of them got 2 more to do today, so far the ones i transplanted responded well.

Some pics i took at my homies crib with my phone, didnt have my cam on me. They're doing ok, i havent seen them since my last update and i have a friend lookin after them so they aren't in the best shape, but not that bad at all. Since i didnt have my cam i couldn't get the bud pics, but they're forming nicely, especially the tripload Northern Lights, getting some fatty nugs. Im also gonna pollinate that as well, so i'll have HHxNL as well, we have some other strains i might just pollinate for the hell of it. We have Special Queen, Super Skunk, Grapefruit, and another Hollands Hope i took over there that turned out female so i'll cross with that as well to get some more HH seeds.



Well-Known Member
Whats ur secret to those white fuckin roots man?? shits sexy. is it the hygrozyme?? I just picked up a bottle of that


Well-Known Member
Looks real good sicc! Your gonna have a plethora of seeds and buds after this harvest!! Can't wait!