400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude


Active Member
Hell yeah man they look great! they'll be filling out a BUNCH these next few weeks - and Imma plannin' on watchin! bongsmilie

very nice work


Well-Known Member
damn cuzzo, i swear u just put the light up like last week. the girls look nice.. i kno u gonna enjoy this harvest when it comes


Well-Known Member
lookin good lookin good!
Thanks homie, hopefully Farve comes back for another Year!

Lookin kick ass as always bro. + rep
Good to have ya along Break, when we gonna do another Shot glass comp? lol

Now that's growin witta' attitude!!! +rep


Edit: Damn, they won't let me +rep you!!! haha
haha its all good, i owe you a Rep anyways ;) :leaf:

Looking sexy there "SICC" never a disapointment.
Jolly Good, thanks for stoppin in Westy, Cheers! bongsmilie

Very nice man. They will fatten up nice.
Hell yeah, thats what im hooping for :weed:

damn cuzzo, i swear u just put the light up like last week. the girls look nice.. i kno u gonna enjoy this harvest when it comes
Fa real i feel the same way, these bitches are blowing up like crazy, its gonna be a long 6-7 weeks haha :eyesmoke:

frosty as every! your grows just keep gettin better and better!
Everyone's grows get better and better :)


Well-Known Member
This was my last shot glass, only pics i had of her, flowered for like 3 weeks before i took her down lol


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4511813]This was my last shot glass, only pics i had of her, flowered for like 3 weeks before i took her down lol

what up Sicc. why did you take her down? looks nice by the way..


Well-Known Member
Se was just a Pain in thew ass basically haha, she was bugging up nice, i got some smoke out of her, pre mature but i still got a buzz LOL

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4511864]Se was just a Pain in thew ass basically haha, she was bugging up nice, i got some smoke out of her, pre mature but i still got a buzz LOL[/QUOTE]
LOL! she's a beauty nonetheless though. hahhaa