what should i do


Active Member
just got a family friends 3 year old german shepard, he just died of cancer so we got the dog, my cousin had him before us be he killed one of their weiner dogs and attacked another, the dog seems really nice though, and i have a kitten id say shes about 3 or 4 months old, and i dont want to get rid of the cat because i really like her, but shes way too small to be left alone with the dog, iv been putting the cat up to his face trying to get them comfortable with eachother but he just runs away like hes scared and the cat hisses at him, should i get rid of the cat? :?
just got a family friends 3 year old german shepard, he just died of cancer so we got the dog, my cousin had him before us be he killed one of their weiner dogs and attacked another, the dog seems really nice though, and i have a kitten id say shes about 3 or 4 months old, and i dont want to get rid of the cat because i really like her, but shes way too small to be left alone with the dog, iv been putting the cat up to his face trying to get them comfortable with eachother but he just runs away like hes scared and the cat hisses at him, should i get rid of the cat? :?

i here you i have 3 doors that kill cats. they have gotten 4 cats that have gotten in the back yard. they wernt my cat either.. i don't let the cats out the house. they stay inside. dogs own the back yard.. just pay ation to whats going on and youshould be ok.. it baby sitting 24/7 good luck

im sorry about your friend..
sounds like the dog is scared of the cat. Animals have a sense of knowing their out of place. He might respect the cats domain, you never know. I had a pitbull that hated my G/F chihuahua but never made any attempt to eat him. Id sit with them in a room for couple hours locked in together and watch their behavior. If they seem shady at each other or funny acting. keep em separated. or get rid of whichever one is easiest to let go.
I'd get rid of the dog - I had a dog that attacked other dogs, it was a pitbull. I worked really hard with her and an animal behaviorist to break the habit but it never happened completely. The problem wasn't her seeking out dogs to attack, but other dogs coming up to her. I always kept her on leash but she still managed to attack several dogs. Seems like no one wants to keep their retarded ass dogs on a leash so they would wander up, and I'm like "Hey get your dog, my dog is going to kill it in like 5 seconds" sometimes they'd hurry, usually not. Anyway, after like the 5th time it happened, including one time this stray dog just charged us and I'm pretty sure my dog killed it, she had to be put on a vicious dog list. There was like a $5,000 vet bill that luckily my home owners insurance covered for a dog that was roaming the neighborhood off leash and decided to come into our yard. Anyway, I put her to sleep and I'm glad I did. There was sooo much stress from owning that dog. I guess I could've muzzled her everywhere, but that seemed stupid. Loved people, great with cats, even my lizard and ferrets she was awesome with.

The point is, people are stupid with dogs, they will bring their "friendly" dogs out off leash, or even on leash and just walk em right up to your dog. Like stepping outside with a dog on leash is some sort of invitation for all the stupidest people in the world to walk up to you
I'd get rid of the dog - I had a dog that attacked other dogs, it was a pitbull. I worked really hard with her and an animal behaviorist to break the habit but it never happened completely. The problem wasn't her seeking out dogs to attack, but other dogs coming up to her. I always kept her on leash but she still managed to attack several dogs. Seems like no one wants to keep their retarded ass dogs on a leash so they would wander up, and I'm like "Hey get your dog, my dog is going to kill it in like 5 seconds" sometimes they'd hurry, usually not. Anyway, after like the 5th time it happened, including one time this stray dog just charged us and I'm pretty sure my dog killed it, she had to be put on a vicious dog list. There was like a $5,000 vet bill that luckily my home owners insurance covered for a dog that was roaming the neighborhood off leash and decided to come into our yard. Anyway, I put her to sleep and I'm glad I did. There was sooo much stress from owning that dog. I guess I could've muzzled her everywhere, but that seemed stupid. Loved people, great with cats, even my lizard and ferrets she was awesome with.

The point is, people are stupid with dogs, they will bring their "friendly" dogs out off leash, or even on leash and just walk em right up to your dog. Like stepping outside with a dog on leash is some sort of invitation for all the stupidest people in the world to walk up to you
she didnt attack visitors tho and thats whats important. she was only doing her job by protecting you and you offed her for it.Being a pit owner and lover, Im saddened to hear that. Pits are usually on viscious dog list anyway. Mine is and its never attacked anyone, it just growls at black people...
i here you i have 3 doors that kill cats. they have gotten 4 cats that have gotten in the back yard. they wernt my cat either.. i don't let the cats out the house. they stay inside. dogs own the back yard.. just pay ation to whats going on and youshould be ok.. it baby sitting 24/7 good luck

im sorry about your friend..

Agree 100%, as long as u keep the cat away from an unattended backyard you should be alright (my pups go for anything in the backyard, even a running human gets a nice pounce :)..But yea ide encourage u to keep them close together in the house and try to get them comfortable with eachother. Cats are pretty quick and have a good sense as to whats going on so itle prb keep its distance. Invest in a crate for the cat if it becomes a problem and keep the kitten locked up ina room while your out. BUT a dog who has shown aggression towards other animals may attack again, be sure to let the pup know ur boss in the house and every human is over him, even childeren.
Agree 100%, as long as u keep the cat away from an unattended backyard you should be alright (my pups go for anything in the backyard, even a running human gets a nice pounce :)..But yea ide encourage u to keep them close together in the house and try to get them comfortable with eachother. Cats are pretty quick and have a good sense as to whats going on so itle prb keep its distance. Invest in a crate for the cat if it becomes a problem and keep the kitten locked up ina room while your out. BUT a dog who has shown aggression towards other animals may attack again, be sure to let the pup know ur boss in the house and every human is over him, even childeren.
yep, its all on how ya raise em and train em.
she didnt attack visitors tho and thats whats important. she was only doing her job by protecting you and you offed her for it.Being a pit owner and lover, Im saddened to hear that. Pits are usually on viscious dog list anyway. Mine is and its never attacked anyone, it just growls at black people...

She couldn't tell the difference between an intruder and a visitor. All dogs she didn't know were intruders, all people were visitors. My dogs job is not to protect me. I'm the leader, I'll handle the protection.

Mine was registered with the state as being vicious - most pitbulls are not. Trust me, it was a serious issue and was not going away. My choices were confine her to the house and yard, deny her walks or walk her with her muzzle which impeded her breathing severely, or just say fuck it and walk her knowing sooner or later a dog is going to wander up and get killed. So I tried keeping her in the yard. I built a fence to keep dogs out, and we did that for a while. She needed more exercise though - without it should was neurotic. I gave her a super sweet life, and a super sweet last few months, and then put her to sleep. I didn't want to "jail" her at home, and I knew that was her only real option. She didn't like it either.
thanks for all the replys, im going to wait for the dog to get comfortable with his surroundings first, we have a 3 acre yard and he stays on the front yard, hasent explored the rest of the yard