Smart pots are HOT and black!


Active Member
My tech visited and said Its looking GOOD but could be having Shutdown during the temps of higher then 95f.

We tested the outside of the smart pots and yes, they are HOT!

He said metal frames around them with some hay would be an excellent idea to keep the soil in an ideal temp.

Any one know about this?
I have ~FULL~ Sun like being kissed by god.


Well-Known Member
I lean pieces of plywood against the south side of black pots. The sun can cook a root system in a day. Don't block air to the smart pot walls. That air exchange is what makes Smart Pots work so well.


Active Member
So light amounts of hay would do the trick?
The guy said he cooled one guys pots from 145f (External fabric area) to a much lower level and the guys plants took off where before they were stunted.
I don't have a huge issue but he said I really should control the excessive heat.

During the last heat wave of 105F I did loose 4 plants and also I have two that are ok but slightly unhappy that will be getting some kind of hay shade.


Active Member
Well I did a test and its very much cool and appears to get air flow.

See photo.
I might also try weed cloth and sticks with NO hay about 3 inches around.
Easy to manage and cheaper then chicken wire.

Plus I dont want to attract chickens ehehe...



Well-Known Member
burlap works my homie uses it on 18 gallon rubbermaids and it keeps them way way cooler and its hella cheap


Well-Known Member
Burlap would be better if it isn't flush against the pot. A few inches of space will keep things much cooler. The goal is to shade the pots.


Well-Known Member
My plants are in 50 litre black pots - but they don´t get hot because they are totally shaded by the plants.