The importance of a strict light regime? +rep


Active Member
I'm running 19/5 right now. cuts off at noon and back on at 5. The reason why they're off in the day is due to heat... So.. What if it's not so hot one day and I decide to cut my light back on a little early. Would the regime difference affect the plant as far as stuntiing/shocking?


Well-Known Member
It depends on the amount of time that lapses between normal and early. Its not good to do it alot though. I cut mine off at 6 pm and on at midnight so my dark cycle for flower will run 12 to 12 when its night time. You must keep it as strict as possible. Its probably most important next to you mediums and ventilation in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I always do off at midnight on at 6am

then my 12/12 is on at noon off at midnight.
that works too. I did it so it would be cooler for flowering at night because I had a heat issue. now it doesnt really matter. but its roating hot at 10 am here and starts cooling down at 7 pm so for me 6pm to 6 am is perfect for lights off. always build your light schedule around your outside enviroments conditions.


Well-Known Member
Yea it gets really hot here during the daytime too.

But my box is in the basement, and room temp down here is always a nice 70-75F all day and night.

I just do 12 to 12 because im a pothead and its the easiest ro remember haha


Well-Known Member
I just do 12 to 12 because im a pothead and its the easiest ro remember haha
LOL ... classic :) ... +Rep for the laugh ... stoner ! :)

Just , To answer your question , It's better to stick to the light times and keep them regular , you have the right idea about having them off at the hottest part of the day and i can see that you are thinking about maybe giving them a bit more on a cooler day ... But try and avoid that , It takes plants a while( Not sure exactly how long ...but not long ) to adjust to a light cycle , If you alter it it may confuse them .

Try and think of the seasons ..winter less light ... spring a bit more ... summer LOTS ... fall a bit less ( POW thats when the plant is reciving chemical signals to tell it its time to flower ) .. So altering times on and off ( more and less ) may confuse the signals and you could end up with a tranny on your hands :)

19/5 is way more light than the plant actualy needs in veg .. you could quite easy reduce that a bit and save electic AND the plant may ( or should ) actualy grow a bit more , Im sure you know by now that a plant will be happy to just sit there if it has loads of light for long periods ... less light makes it go looking for it :)

I hope i answered this correct and it makes sence :)