I NEED HELP WITH MISTER TIMING!!! I am losing faith in RIU bc of all the rude people

I am a noob and I have a few questions on aeroponic systems... if you are going to be a DICK then don't reply. How long should the misters stay on/off? Is R/O water the best choice of water in my system and what ph level is most ideal in aero? one last question If you get slime in your tank is it safe to use some hydrogen peroxide???? ANY HELP WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED..bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Misters on/off is very dependent on size of roots imo and what aero system your using. some people like 1 on 14 off kinda thing some like different.. Its a case of suck it and see..
If you have shitty water where you live then RO water is prob your best bet. I know where I live our water is very good so no need for RO
The ideal range for PH is 5.8
I have heard of people using all sorts of stuff in their rez. I know from experience that a tiny bit of bleach works.

Your best bet if you want to "really" learn anything is read more and post less.. All the info you need is right under your nose and you will learn ALOT more by reading through your search results etc...

Best of Luck!


Well-Known Member
1 min on 4 min off seems to be popular

RO is very pure and will be the easiest to work with.

PH 5.8 is great

Hydrogen Peroxide is safe to use, but might kill beneficial organisms as well.

What are your reservoir temps, if you keep them around 68 you can pretty much eliminate problems with slime and buildup.

Also keep your res from direct exposure to the light as this will encourage algae to develop.


New Member
I run my misters on for 1 min and off for 4 min. but then again i have a bubble ponics going at the say time to help airrate the water. my ph. is at 6.0 and she is loving it !
Thank all of you for your quick replies I am just using a system I built just got the fogger UPS today the fogger will run the same time as the misters I am experimenting with a cheap fogger too.. I guess I will just read up a bit more and experiment with different time intervals. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
I actually ordered a fogger the other day as well, but this is only for clones.

If you plan on using the fogger for your main system throughout the duration of the plants life, you might want to just stick with misters as I've been reading up and it seems others have run into trouble with them for three reasons:

The foggers apparently have issues where the nutrients build up on the disks causing them to not function properly.
The plants begin having a harder time utilizing the nutrients from the fogger.
The foggers work at a high temperature and will heat up your reservoir very quickly, helping to cause bad bacterial growth in your reservoir.

I've seen good results with cloning for what it's worth assuming the temperatures can be dealt with.


Well-Known Member
1 min on 4 off is what i use for my Cloner...

As a plant gets bigger you would want to extend the off time period... so that the roots can get more air.. (More Air 2 roots = faster growth)

Smaller roots dry out faster then a Huge root mass


Well-Known Member
Where you all getting your cycle timers? The cheapest cycle timer I can find that does anything more than 15 on/15 off costs like 90 bux and I can't really see spending the money, my sprayers go 24/7 and I have oxygenators in each unit.
at dbkick yea the timers cost a good penny bro if you want one that can go 1 min on 4 off I really have not found a solution to the cost except looking at a couple schematics in other posts on how to build your own but you need to know a little bit about electronics and soldering check EBAY might be able to get one for a little cheaper... good luck bro

J. Smoker

Active Member
Where you all getting your cycle timers? The cheapest cycle timer I can find that does anything more than 15 on/15 off costs like 90 bux and I can't really see spending the money, my sprayers go 24/7 and I have oxygenators in each unit.
I use growcolt timers. they are 40 minute repeating timers, where each pin represents 50 seconds. They are not mass produced and can be purchased through e-bay. or you can contact them at GrowColt@Gmail.com.