Who is the wealthiest person on RIU?


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious. How wealthy are you? How did you become so wealthy? And what is an average day in your life like?

Might get some interesting replies..


Active Member
and heres my life. work. make enough to live decently and get baked every couple of days. growing soon :)


Well-Known Member
i dont make that much. 350.000 between 5 guys divided by %70 to get it cleaned x 12 a year = about what youd get paid for a good job. and if you think you can run around buyin expensive cars and siht like that your dreamin. i only clean half my cash whlst the other half gets clingd and stashed in one girls house. this is the money i wanna make after doin a masters degree in biological science. i drive a shit second hand mercedes an although i do have a nice selection of expensive clothes the stuff i wear on road is your basic bomber jacket with time is money jeans with a nike hoody and armani top. i have to carry shitloads of cash everywhere because i think my debit card is being monitored and i cant spend most of this cash till im older and can say its saved up from my job. so yeah. i go on holidays and have cash to spend. but instead of it bein like when i was poor "can i afford this" its "if i buy this is that suspicious", i eat at fancy restaruants only with women and i keep getting dirty looks from the guy at the jewlers. just because i have have the money dont mean i can enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
i dont make that much. 350.000 between 5 guys divided by %70 to get it cleaned x 12 a year = about what youd get paid for a good job. and if you think you can run around buyin expensive cars and siht like that your dreamin. i only clean half my cash whlst the other half gets clingd and stashed in one girls house. this is the money i wanna make after doin a masters degree in biological science. i drive a shit second hand mercedes an although i do have a nice selection of expensive clothes the stuff i wear on road is your basic bomber jacket with time is money jeans with a nike hoody and armani top. i have to carry shitloads of cash everywhere because i think my debit card is being monitored and i cant spend most of this cash till im older and can say its saved up from my job. so yeah. i go on holidays and have cash to spend. but instead of it bein like when i was poor "can i afford this" its "if i buy this is that suspicious", i eat at fancy restaruants only with women and i keep getting dirty looks from the guy at the jewlers. just because i have have the money dont mean i can enjoy it.
You should try to see a doctor. You're batshit crazy.


Well-Known Member
i dont make that much. 350.000 between 5 guys divided by %70 to get it cleaned x 12 a year = about what youd get paid for a good job. and if you think you can run around buyin expensive cars and siht like that your dreamin. i only clean half my cash whlst the other half gets clingd and stashed in one girls house. this is the money i wanna make after doin a masters degree in biological science. i drive a shit second hand mercedes an although i do have a nice selection of expensive clothes the stuff i wear on road is your basic bomber jacket with time is money jeans with a nike hoody and armani top. i have to carry shitloads of cash everywhere because i think my debit card is being monitored and i cant spend most of this cash till im older and can say its saved up from my job. so yeah. i go on holidays and have cash to spend. but instead of it bein like when i was poor "can i afford this" its "if i buy this is that suspicious", i eat at fancy restaruants only with women and i keep getting dirty looks from the guy at the jewlers. just because i have have the money dont mean i can enjoy it.



Active Member
well, im not wealthy yet, but i have been told by lots of the coaches of the university thats offering me a scholorship that i will be in the draft for sure..


Active Member
If I was wealthy I wouldnt waste my fukn time growin, thats for fukn sure !!! Dont worry, I know some good growers who grow killer bud so good smoke is fully accessable to me. Shitty eh ? Typical blue collar worker always tryin to make ends meet.


Well-Known Member
wealthy is a state of mind. i have a roof over my head, wife by my side, food in my tummy, and a garden in my office. i am truly the luckiest guy in the world, you can keep your material wealth


Well-Known Member
Yep the older I get the harder it is to get up and to the same shit at the same pace
being a tradie has it's pros but unless you really risk ya money
you are never going to be rich


Well-Known Member
Having been around affluent people most of my adult life (My boss makes on average 33-34 million per year) I can say, as UB said, material wealth is not true wealth.

Wealth to me is the dirt beneath my feet on a mountain after a long day trekking, it's the birds greeting me on damp mornings, and it's the deer playing in my yard, not worried about hunting season just yet...

I love the wealth my mother earth has provided me, I just wish others could see it the same way.


Well-Known Member
I had a 6 figure income in my early twenties then I started smoking a lot of weed. Fuck the corporate life.