LA Woman, LockStock, Electric Fruit Punch,HashBerry,Speed Queen+ More


Active Member
Hello and welcome to my setup

Technaflora Nutrients Grow, Bloom, Thrive Alive, Sugar Daddy,Root66
Fox Farm Ocean Forrest
Fox Farm Light Warrior
Distilled Water

Ebay GyoSupplies 24x36x62 Tent
Growbright 170 Cfm Inline
5 20W 6500K Cfl's
Wal-mart Fan for cooling bulbs and airflow

Party Cups: Mandala Hashberry, High Grade Seeds Electric Fruit Punch, HGS Avalanche 2 weeks
Medium Pots: Amazing Bagseed 3 weeks
Large Pots: Mandala Speed Queen 4 weeks
Bagseed clone (getting cloning down)

Flower Closet
Growbright 400 CFM Inline
HTG Cooltube and 600w Digital Ballast
Agromax Dual Arc Bulb Hps+MH
Box Fan for circulation and blowing on bottom of tube

In Flower for 2 weeks 3 days
Large Black pots: LA Woman(1 side topped), High Grade Seeds Electric Fruit Punch ( LST'd) on far left, and G13 Labs LockStock ( topped twice)

In flower 2 weeks
Others: Amazing bagseed ,1 confirmed female, waiting for others to show sex
(started stressed in walmart crappy topsoil, didn't get green until transplanted into Ocean Forest after 2 weeks old)

Bubble Cloner
Walmart Clear Plastic Storage Container (1 larger than other)
Air stones, air tube, tube T splitter
Styrofoam Float Discs
150ppm 5.7 PH Techna Grow mix with TF Root66

Comments and suggestions are welcome and please follow along!
Have a good one =]



Active Member
Plants are looking good my friend. What watt/size is your HPS/MH?

I think at some point I will start a veg room. It will have to be a card board box or something. Still thinking about it.

Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Thanks It is a 600W Bulb which has both a HPS and MH in the same bulb.

And its funny you say veg in a cardboard box. I did the same thing with 2 24w 6500K Cfl's in a large cardboard box which I rigged up to velcro tight. Setup up a 120mm computer fan at top for exhaust and cut two small square holes 2"x2" at bottom for intake. Worked perfect until I upgraded to my tent =/ Now the box is retired lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck dude now i see y u been so helpfull to me....ur plants look so good and healthy...dam im jeaous well now im gonna make sure i get my babies growing right so the help not in vain

Great grow keep it up!!


Active Member
Thank u =] The plants in the back of the flower room are plants that were started in improper soil. They looked just like yours until I switched them to FF Ocean Forest. Threw them in flower for fun for extra yeild and was curious to see how the bagseed turned out.
I'll be with you every step of the way when you start ;]


Looking good! I am gonna start some bagseed soon in a close quarters CFL box. Watching to see how your babies do :)

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Ha ha you are in my thread now I am in yours! I sub to this thread I want to see what you end up with bro. GL brotha!


Active Member
New Tent 76"x76"x76"

New ones to 12/12 tent:
3 Speedy Queens 6 weeks old (suffered bad nute def early weeks cuz I was a noob)
2 more randy bagseeds 4 weeks

The La Woman,Lockstock, and Efp in flowering are at 4 weeks. They are finally starting to thicken up a lil =] These plants also suffered bad nute deficiencies during veg which I know will really effect their potential yield... Oh well I learned how strong Maryjane can be when it comes to adding nutes. Will get close up pics SOON!

Starting to finally get the room setup so 100% of the exhaust is going into the attic ;]


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
my plants better start thickening up on bud, I am going to take some pic's today of them. They are bushy as fuck but the buds are kinda small for three weeks into flowering. When did yours start to fatten up? What week?


Active Member
At the 4th week is when they started to fatten I'd say. You have plenty of time for them to fill in so don't sweat it bro My plants plants sadly went through a rough life because I was a distilled noob. Was giving them distilled their whole veg with barely any nutes not knowing at the time distilled acts like a vacuum sucking all the goodness from your soil. I had awful defecencies and always thought it was nute burn. My 3 oldest plants sadly will yield maybe an 8th each =/ But hey, that's how I usually learn, by making mistakes. In the picture I included you can see how I am still learning day by day. The weeks are total lifetime counting flower too. That speed queen at 6 weeks better show some hairs or Ill cry =[ lol
Take it easy and Ill be waitn for your pics =]

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I am sticking with distilled all the way. I don't want to use my tap water it is too hard. You also didn't veg as long I did. I am glad that I switched them to flower around 16 in tall! I think that is my majic number for veg on these bad girls, once I get my flower room built I will hopefully be putting out 6 plants a month! And if I do everything right I should be able to yeild a little over 2 oz per so that will be 12 + a month! I am hopeing to see some hairs to my friend! I love fem seeds so far, the only thing that will fuck me now is a hermi! Gl brotha


Active Member
I am sticking with distilled all the way. I don't want to use my tap water it is too hard. You also didn't veg as long I did. I am glad that I switched them to flower around 16 in tall! I think that is my majic number for veg on these bad girls, once I get my flower room built I will hopefully be putting out 6 plants a month! And if I do everything right I should be able to yeild a little over 2 oz per so that will be 12 + a month! I am hopeing to see some hairs to my friend! I love fem seeds so far, the only thing that will fuck me now is a hermi! Gl brotha
What's the ppm of your tap? And that sounds like some real weight you'll be pulling =] I feel ya on the the fem seeds likely to herm but really any plant even reg seeds has a chance to herm out and try to ruin your non-seeded nugs lol

1: Veg tent
2: Efp Closeup
3: My awful g13 clone I fucked up giving nutes that were 2 weeks old =[
4: EFP Side
5: 12/12 Tent oldest 3 girls view
6: La woman main cola closeup
7: La woman double colas
8: Best bagseed Ive grown so far(appearance wise, too bad this plant was in crappy soil for 3 weeks of veg
9:La woman side
10: Lockstock side
11: 12/12 tent overview
12: The same bagseed closeup 3 weeks in smells as much and as good as lockstock lemon fruits
13: Veg tent sickly clones =[
14: Lockstock closeup / best development out of other 2 older girls Makes sense since it didnt go thru as bad of deficiencies as other 2
15: Veg tent overview Pineapplexbubble gum clone to side recovering with G-13 clone I almost killed them =[


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Looking good bro! I was looking at ur lock stock picture, I can't wait till my plants fill in like that! I don't know my ppm in my tap. I just know that the ph on it is too fucked up and it has all those chemicals in it. I can taste them in it! I love drinking water in the morning cus I am always hung over! ;) I use to drink filtered water until we remodled our kitchen and put in a fancy faucet! Now I just drink it out of there and I can taste that shit! I wouldn't put that in my plants they seem to be likeing the distilled. Your bud sites look good bro and I like you lock stock. You will have to tell me how the smoke on that one is!


Active Member
Looking good bro! I was looking at ur lock stock picture, I can't wait till my plants fill in like that! I don't know my ppm in my tap. I just know that the ph on it is too fucked up and it has all those chemicals in it. I can taste them in it! I love drinking water in the morning cus I am always hung over! ;) I use to drink filtered water until we remodled our kitchen and put in a fancy faucet! Now I just drink it out of there and I can taste that shit! I wouldn't put that in my plants they seem to be likeing the distilled. Your bud sites look good bro and I like you lock stock. You will have to tell me how the smoke on that one is!
You are tasting mineral build-up/deposits. That build-up is basically the nutrients you are feeding in the fertilizers ;] If you get rid of the chlorine and drop the ph your tap might be 50x better than distilled. But you don't really know. You should try feeding 1 plant tap as an experiment next go around if you have enough seeds and who knows.. that plant could grow twice as fast as the others getting distilled. The lockstock is def my favorite right now =D Smells like lemon fruits and is rly getn chunky
thanks for following along mang


Active Member
So you are taking clones right off the top of the plant? That is what it looks like to me. Just asking bro.
Yep =] Killing two birds with one stone since I am topping them and just cloning em also. My bubble cloner didn't give me great results but I blame how I built it. I am just going back to soil cloning since it has been the only way that has actually worked for me. Taking clones from the top of the plant isn't the best I've heard for getting clones(towards bottom is best) but I have had every clone from the top in my life root... just not live after rooting =[

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hmmm that is what I thought that it wasn't good to take from the top. I am about to peice out my seedlings cus they will out grow their room, So I was wondering about takeing from the top or bottom. Looks like I will be doing both! LOL get some jelly and go for it! GL bro!