rippers i want to go hunting now help me plz


Well-Known Member
well after 2 long years i finally get 2 males and just before flowering started some one jacked my males and left all my budding females alone im so lost right now i dont know if it was some random kids or if it was some one just jacking them. but i need help in making some way to tell if ppl are in my yard cheap im thinking of putting up fishing hooks or something its in my yard so its not like ppl should be in there. traps bells might even get a cam or something i want to find who took my males and get them back most ppl might think im crazy but i have been growing for a long time now and its my 1st 2 males and i was all happy to breed my kush with this lambs kush mix and some one jacked my males. its to the point i would not be as mad if thay took 2 females i could still breed but im back to no males and might never get another for 3 or 4 more years errrr. its like some one took my kids and i will find them im hopeing they wise up and bring them back but i know thats not going to happen so a hunting we will go. and i feel like i was set up i watch my plants and the one day i was called out to go chill with this girl this happens im thinking so messed up right now im thinking she set me up but it was just next door and they would have had to still passed were i was at so im lost did she set me up or just bad timing i dont think it was her cuz she was the one who gave them to me but i dont know


Well-Known Member
and the jacked part about it is i was not expecting rippers for 5-7 more weeks so i was not even rdy for this i like to have decoys out but i put them out later in the season


Well-Known Member
dont want to do something over the top but i hope the fucker comes back tonight i will be waiting


Well-Known Member
If you want something you can watch remotely.... if you have a camcorder that can be hooked up to your pc then you can mount it in a window or something to view your garden. You can then stream the video to a free site and password it so that you are the only one that can view it online. You can remote view your site via your cell phone. The PC will allow you tons of recording space for extended periods of time without having to worry about running out of space to store the video.


Active Member
Maybe they have been watching and dont want the females pollinated and plan to steal them a week or 2 before they are ready


Well-Known Member
Maybe they have been watching and dont want the females pollinated and plan to steal them a week or 2 before they are ready
That actually sounds like it could be it... definitely keep an eye out for them... they'll probably be back.

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
what I did, gravel the area with fine gravel, if somethings going to happen it will happen, I try and keep the gravel clean and raked nicely, if I wake up in the morning and see footprints then I know someones been coming around.


New Member
You can do what i do i use improvised boobie traps how ? well like the vietnam the veitemese would take large planks of wood like 1/2 in thick by 4 foot long 2 feet wide and drive nails threw the bottom them lay brush on top of the nail sticking up. this is what i do to completely terrorize any one who comes on my property and let me tell you it works really good ! I use the penny side nails the real huge ones that are like 4 to 6 inches tall... I found my selve at the short end of the stick one day i was taking out the trash to the trash can and low and behold i hid my traps so well that even i forgot were they were at the nail went into my shoe and out the top as soon as i steped on it OUCH OMG LAY ON THE GROUND ! i pulled the sucker out and ended up with a nasty tetnis shot !


Well-Known Member
well i got my babys back and boy im so happy so my girl friend thought it would be funny to see how i would react to my babys going missing so this whole time i have been just vexed because the weather turned for the worst might not even get the ones in the ground finished so she seen i have been just vext so i come home from work to day and my plants are on the table with a note saying, this was for all the shit you put me though this year and the stress of having so much of your babys.i love you no more plants if i see 1 more i will take them all your at the max for this house hold dont be mad love you.

so im at the point im so confused im mad but happy there back but vexed i cant breed them


Well-Known Member
ah......the little woman....... aint love grand!!!!! it reminds me of that guns & roses song ''i used to love her but i had to kill her'' now shes buried right here in my back yard ! yeah my wife is actualy jealous of my plants